Covid-19: Almost every northern county saw a decrease in new cases Coronavirus


Only five counties in the northern region registered, between the third and fourth week of December, an increase in the number of new cases of infection by SARS-CoV-2, according to the report of the Regional Administration of Health of the North (ARS-N ).

The ARS-N report, to which Lusa had access, reports the evolution of the epidemiological situation between the second (from 06 to 12) and the fourth week (from 20 to 26) of December.

Vieira do Minho, Macedo de Cavaleiros, Torre de Moncorvo, Arcos de Valdevez and Valença were the only municipalities that, between the third and fourth week of the month, registered an increase in new cases of contagion by the new coronavirus, which causes the covid- 19. . Macedo de Cavaleiros, in the district of Bragança, was the one that registered the highest growth, standing at 109%, going from 66 to 138 new cases.

This municipality has the highest incidence rate in the northern region, reaching 1405 new cases per one hundred thousand inhabitants every 14 days.

In terms of percentage growth, Macedo de Cavaleiros is followed by Torre de Moncorvo (75% of new infections), Arcos de Valdevez (50%), Valença (24%) and Vieira do Minho (19%).

In the same period, the remaining counties in the northern region recorded a decrease in the number of new cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection.

The Aveiro district (where the ARS-N covers seven municipalities) registered a 27% decrease in new cases of infection, from 1,005 new cases in the third week of the month to 735.

The district of Braga also followed this trend, registering a decrease of 29% and from 3,371 new cases to 2403. Bragança represented 11% fewer new cases between the third and fourth week of the month, from 433 to 386 new cases.

The Porto district registered 22% fewer new cases of infection by the new coronavirus, going from 5,526 to 4,083 new cases of infection.

Viana do Castelo and Vila Real also followed this downward trend, with the number of new cases decreasing by 34% and 38%, respectively.

The report also indicates that, together with Macedo de Cavaleiros, the municipalities of Montalegre, Alfândega da Fé, Ponte da Barca, Peso da Régua, Esposende, Valpaços and Vimioso have an incidence rate of more than a thousand new cases per hundred thousand inhabitants. to 14 days. In these seven municipalities, the incidence rate is higher than in the northern region, which now stands at 581.2 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants in 14 days.

Portugal represents at least 6,619 deaths associated with covid-19 in 394,573 confirmed cases of infection, according to the latest bulletin from the Directorate General of Health (DGS). The state of emergency enacted on November 9 to combat the pandemic was renewed until January 7, with mandatory curfews in counties with the highest risk of contagion.
