COVID-19. Almost 200 thousand people with complete vaccination in mainland Portugal


According to information available in the first follow-up report of the Covid-19 vaccination in mainland Portugal published on Tuesday, 199,511 people were vaccinated with the two doses and 332,762 with one dose, between December 27, 2020 and February 14.

The majority of those who have already received full vaccination are between 24 and 49 years old (84,231), including professionals from various areas who work on the front line, followed by the age groups 50-64 years (48,716) and 80 or more years . (42,991).

In relation to the people vaccinated with a single dose, the majority are also in the age group 24 to 49 years (131,874), followed by people aged 80 or over (79,774) and 50 to 64 years (77,595 ).

In territorial terms, It is in the North region where the highest number of people with complete vaccination is concentrated (68,320), followed by the regions of Lisbon and Vale do Tejo (57,536), Centro (50,116), Alentejo (16,873) and Algarve (6,231).

Regarding the number of people vaccinated with the first dose, it is Lisbon and the Tagus Valley that leads with 110,652, followed by the North (103,460), Center (78,454), Alentejo (27,073) and Algarve (12,449) regions.

Simulator Help

The published report was prepared by DGS “together with the workgroup vaccination and in collaboration with the Shared Services of the Ministry of Health (SPMS) ”and“ will be published every Tuesday, with data from the previous week (from Monday at 12:00 to Sunday at 11:59 ) “.

According to the president of SPMS, Luís Goes Pinheiro, more than 183 thousand people have used the online simulator since Sunday to consult the vaccination lists against Covid-19.

The simulator, available on the Covid-19 portal, lets you know if citizens over 80, or between 50 and 79 with any of the four diseases (heart failure, coronary heart disease, kidney failure and chronic respiratory disease) are included in the lists of the first phase of vaccination.

About 177 million doses of vaccines have been administered worldwide, an increase of about 20 percent from last week., according to data compiled by the American Johns Hopkins University.

In Europe, more than 20 million doses of Covid-19 vaccines have been administered, with more than 26 million distributed to Member States, according to information available in the site European Center for Disease Prevention and Control.

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