Covid-19 | ACES Médio Tejo with 80 new cases in the last 24 hours, 30 of which in Alcanena (with audio)


The Grouping of Health Centers (ACES) of the Middle Tagus registered 80 new cases of contagion by the new coronavirus in the last 24 hours, having been registered in Alcanena (+30), Abrantes (+15), Torres Novas (+10), Sardoal (+9), Tomar (+8), Mação (+7) and Constância (+1). The delegate of Public Health, María dos Anjos Esperança, said today that there was an error in the accounting in Abrantes and that there are 110 more cases in this municipality that were not counted, and that support the reason for the entry of this municipality in the classification very risk municipalities. high.


In the 11 counties of the region, with a total of 2455 cases since the beginning of the pandemic, Ourém registers 655 confirmed infections, followed by Tomar, with 402 (+8), Torres Novas, with 321 (10), Entroncamento, with 318, Abrantes, with 285 (+15), Alcanena, with 259 (+30), Mação, with 66 (+7), Constância, with 44 (+1), Sardoal, with 44 (+9), Vila Nova da Barquinha, with 32, and Ferreira do Zêzere, with 29 accumulated cases.

The mayor of Abrantes reacted today with surprise to the inclusion of the municipality in the very high risk list, assuming today the error in the accounting of positive cases by the Health delegate. Abrantes, instead of having 93 cases, in the period from November 6 to 19, after all, 203 cases, that is, 110 more cases, justify entry into the orange list of the national map. This update of 110 more cases tomorrow [segunda-feira] they will be in the daily reports of the Public Health of the Environment.


At ACES Médio Tejo, 965 people are currently under active surveillance (-5). Ourém has 200 citizens in this condition, followed by Tomar (180), Abrantes (117), Entroncamento (101), Torres Novas (97), Alcanena (92), Sardoal (40), Mação (40), Constância (38) , Vila Nova da Barquinha (33) and Ferreira do Zêzere (27).

This ACES records a cumulative total of 2455 infected (+80), 1209 recovered (-), 965 people in active surveillance (-5) and 34 deaths (with data not yet updated by ACES).

ACES PIS with 22 active cases in Sertã and 1 in Vila de Rei

In ACES do Pinhal Interior Sul (PIS), the municipality of Sertã today has a cumulative total of 79 infected people, 57 of whom have already recovered from the disease, according to ACES PIS. Sertã has 22 active cases and 44 people under active surveillance.

Vila de Rei, in turn, has had a total of 7 cases of contagion since the beginning of the pandemic, one of which is still active and six people have recovered, reported ACES PIS. On Saturday there were 21 people under active surveillance in this municipality.

Middle Tagus region with a total of 2539 confirmed cases in the 13 municipalities

With about 250 thousand inhabitants, the 13 municipalities of the Middle Tagus add up to a total of 2,539 (+80) confirmed cases of contagion by the new coronavirus, of which 2,455 in ACES Médio Tejo and 84 in ACES Pinhal Interior Sul (77 in Sertã and 7 in Vila de Rei). There are a total of 1,272 people recovered (1209 in ACES Médio Tejo, 57 in Sertã and 6 in Vila de Rei (ACES PIS) and 34 deceased.

ACES Médio Tejo covers the territorial area of ​​11 municipalities with approximately 235 thousand users, and covers the health units of Abrantes, Alcanena, Constância, Entroncamento, Ferreira do Zêzere, Mação, Ourém, Sardoal, Tomar, Torres Novas and Vila nova da Barquinha , in a territorial area of ​​2,706.10 square kilometers.

The municipalities of Sertã and Vila de Rei are part of the Intermunicipal Community (CIM) of the Middle Tagus in the political-administrative division, but in terms of health, they are linked to ACES do Pinhal Interior Sul (PIS), which also covers the municipalities of Proença-a- Nova and Oleiros, in a total of about 30 thousand users.

Ponte de Sor with 19 active cases, Gavião today has 21 active cases

In Alto Alentejo, Ponte de Sor accumulates today a total of 84 accumulated positive cases since the start of the pandemic. At least five of the cases refer to people who do not reside in the municipality and who have not updated their tax residence. The municipality only mentions the occurrence of 79 cases, of which 59 are recovered and 19 are active. There is a death to regret. Ponte de Sor is included in the list of municipalities with a high risk of transmission of covid-19, subject to more restrictive measures, such as curfews.

Gavião, in turn, today has an accumulated 37 cases of covid, of which 16 people have recovered from the disease. An outbreak in the home of the Santa Casa worries the health authorities, with 12 positive employees of the institution to which are added 5 more cases, all relatives of the home professionals. There are 21 active cases in the municipality and no deaths are recorded. Gavião is included in the list of municipalities with a high risk of transmission of covid-19, subject to more restrictive measures, such as curfews.

Lezíria region with 3,243 cases since the start of the pandemic

Lezíria do Tejo today presents 16 new cases, 114 recovered patients and a cumulative total of 3,243 patients, of which 1,182 cases in the municipality of Santarém, according to data from the Regional Network. Chamusca has a total of 118 confirmed cases, including four deaths, and Golegã records 55 infections (+1) and one death.

The Lezíria region has 83 deaths, 31 of which in Santarém, and 2,497 people recovered from the disease (+114).

Santarém district with a total of 5,698 cases and 117 deaths

The Santarém district has a cumulative total of 5,698 confirmed cases of disease (3,243 in Lezíria do Tejo and 2,455 in ACES Médio Tejo), and a total of 117 deaths (83 in Lezíria and 34 in ACES Médio Tejo). Lezíria has a total of 2497 recovered and ACES Médio Tejo has 1209, which gives a total of 3706 recovered people.

Portugal today counts 73 more deaths related to covid-19 and 4,788 new cases of infection by the new coronavirus, according to the epidemiological bulletin of the General Directorate of Health (DGS). Since the beginning of the pandemic, Portugal has registered 3,897 deaths and 260,758 contagion cases, of which 83,942 are active, 1,175 more than on Saturday.

The DGS indicates that, of the 73 deaths registered in the last 24 hours, 39 occurred in the North region, 20 in the Lisbon and Vale do Tejo region, 12 in the Center region and two in the Alentejo.

Regarding hospital admissions, the bulletin indicates an increase in hospital admissions, which add up to 3,151, 126 more than on Saturday, and also in intensive care, where 491 people are found (six more).

Health authorities have 81,667 contacts under surveillance, 1,146 more compared to Saturday, and 3,540 patients have been reported to have recovered in the last 24 hours. Since the beginning of the pandemic in Portugal, 172,919 people have recovered from the disease.

Confirmed cases are distributed in all age groups, with the highest number of infections between 20 and 59 years. The new coronavirus has already infected at least 115,092 men and 140,885 women in Portugal, according to reported cases.

The bulletin indicates that there are 4,781 confirmed cases of unknown sex that are under investigation, as this data is not automatically released.

Of the total deaths, 2,013 were men and 1,884 women. The highest number of deaths is still concentrated in people over 80 years of age.

The covid-19 pandemic caused at least 1,381,915 deaths as a result of more than 58.1 million cases of infection worldwide, according to a report by the French agency AFP.

c / LUSA
