Covid-19 | ACES Médio Tejo with 47 new cases, outbreaks in Torres Novas and one more death in Pego (with audio)


The Association of Health Centers (ACES) of the Médio Tejo registered 47 new cases of contagion by the new coronavirus in the last 24 hours and reached 3,326 infections since the start of the pandemic. The new cases were reported in Torres Novas (+24), Tomar (+8), Abrantes (+7), Entroncamento (+6), Ferreira do Zêzere (+1) and Vila Nova da Barquinha (+1). There are two new outbreaks in Torres Novas, in a nursery and in a shelter, and one more death to be registered in the Lar do Pego outbreak in Abrantes, rising to a total of 11 deaths in users of the institution.


The Delegate of Public Health of the Association of Health Centers (ACES) of the Middle Tagus, Maria dos Anjos Esperança, reported on the evolution of the pandemic in the region in the last 24 hours, specifically on outbreaks in homes in Minde, Ourém and Pego said that the most worrying situation today is in Torres Novas, where two outbreaks were detected in a nursery and a home for the elderly.


In the 11 counties of the region, with a total of 3326 cases since the beginning of the pandemic, Ourém registers 838 confirmed infections, followed by Tomar 519 (+8), Abrantes with 497 (+7), Torres Novas with 455 (+ 24), Entroncamento, with 381 (+6), Alcanena, with 333, Mação, with 85, Vila Nova da Barquinha, with 62 (+1), Sardoal, with 59, Constância, with 52, and Ferreira do Zêzere, with 45 accumulated cases (+1).

Currently, ACES Médio Tejo has 595 people under active surveillance (+6). Tomar has 139 citizens in this condition, followed by Ourém (119), Torres Novas (91), Abrantes (76), Entroncamento (55), Alcanena (47), Vila Nova da Barquinha (33), Mação (14), Sardoal (9), Ferreira do Zêzere (6) and Constância (6).

ACES Médio Tejo records a cumulative total of 3,326 infected (+47), 1,763 recovered (-), 595 people on active surveillance (+6) and 55 deaths (+1).

Sertã has a total of 111 cases (+2) and Vila de Rei has 9 cases since the start of the pandemic

In ACES do Pinhal Interior Sul (PIS), the municipality of Sertã today has a cumulative total of 111 infected people (+2), of which 80 have recovered from the disease, according to ACES PIS. Sertã has 31 active cases and 92 people under surveillance.

Vila de Rei, in turn, has had a total of 9 cases of contagion since the start of the pandemic, two of which are still active and seven people have recovered, according to ACES PIS. Today there are 6 people on active surveillance in this municipality.

Middle Tagus region with a total of 3,446 confirmed cases in 13 municipalities

With about 250 thousand inhabitants, the 13 municipalities of the Middle Tagus add a total of 3,446 cases (+49) confirmed of contagion by the new coronavirus, of which 3,326 in ACES Médio Tejo (+97) and 120 (+2) in ACES Pinhal Interior Sul (111 in Sertã and 9 in Vila de Rei). There are a total of 1,850 people recovered (1,763 in ACES Médio Tejo, 80 in Sertã and 7 in Vila de Rei (ACES PIS) and 55 deceased.

OR ACES Medium Yew covers the territorial area of ​​11 municipalities with approximately 235 thousand users, and covers the health units of Abrantes, Alcanena, Constância, Entroncamento, Ferreira do Zêzere, Mação, Ourém, Sardoal, Tomar, Torres Novas and Vila nova da Barquinha, in a territorial area of ​​2,706.10 square km.

The municipalities of Sertã and Vila de Rei are part of the Intermunicipal Community (CIM) of the Middle Tagus in the political-administrative division, but in terms of Health they are linked to the ACES do Pinhal Interior Sul (PIS) which also covers the municipalities of Proença-a-Nova and Oleiros, with a total of about 30 thousand users.

Municipalities of the Middle Tagus with positive evolution lower levels of risk

This Saturday the new risk map was released at the national level. The current state of emergency began on November 24 and ends at 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, December 8. This renewal takes effect from 00:00 on Wednesday, December 9, with the restrictive measures associated with it.

Ponte de Sor has 106 cases (+1) and Gavião 59 (+1) since the start of the pandemic

In Alto Alentejo, Ponte de Sor accumulates today a total of 106 positive cases (+1) since the start of the pandemic. At least five of the cases refer to people who do not reside in the municipality and who have not updated their tax residence, so the municipality only reports the occurrence of 101 cases, of which 89 are recovered and 11 are active (+1 ). There is a death to regret. Ponte de Sor will become part of the list of municipalities with ‘moderate risk’ of transmission of covid-19, thus falling from the ‘high risk’ level in which it was, subject to more restrictive measures, such as curfews.

Gavião, in turn, today has a cumulative total of 60 cases of covid (+1), of which 17 people recovered from the disease. There is a death to regret. An outbreak at the Santa Casa home is worrying health officials, with at least 20 users and 16 positive employees confirmed. There are 42 active cases in the county. Gavião joins the list of municipalities with ‘extremely high risk’ of transmission of covid-19, the maximum level of danger and subject to the most restrictive measures.

Lezíria region with 4,011 cases and 100 deaths since the start of the pandemic

Lezíria do Tejo today presents 38 new cases, 59 recovered patients and a cumulative total of 4,011 patients, of which 1,399 cases in the municipality of Santarém, according to the Regional Network. Chamusca has a total of 183 confirmed cases, including five deaths, and Golegã records 69 infections and two deaths.

The Lezíria region has accumulated 100 deaths, 35 of which in Santarém, and 3,376 people recovered from the disease (+59).

Santarém district with a total of 7337 cases and 155 deaths

The Santarém district accumulates a total of 7,337 confirmed cases of disease (4,011 in Lezíria do Tejo and 3,326 in ACES Médio Tejo) and a total of 155 deaths (100 in Lezíria and 55 in ACES Médio Tejo). Lezíria has a total of 3,376 recovered and ACES Médio Tejo has 1,763, which gives a total of 5139 people recovered from the disease.

Portugal with 73 more deaths and 6,087 cases in 24 hours

Portugal today counts 73 more deaths related to covid-19 and 6,087 new cases of infection by the new coronavirus, according to the General Directorate of Health (DGS). Since the start of the pandemic, Portugal has registered 4,876 deaths and 318,640 cases of infection by the new coronavirus, with 73,561 active cases today, 151 less than on Thursday.

Regarding hospital admissions, the epidemiological bulletin of the DGS reveals that 3,229 patients are hospitalized, 66 fewer than the previous day, of which 517 are in intensive care, nine less than on Friday.

The data on the epidemiological situation in Portugal indicate that the number of new cases registered today (6,087) is the highest since November 27, the day on which 5,444 new infections were reported by SARS-CoV-2, which causes the covid-19 disease. –

The health authorities have 77,197 contacts under surveillance, 446 less than in relation to Friday, the data show, pointing to 6,165 more recovered patients, a figure that today exceeds the new cases of contagion. Since the start of the epidemic in Portugal in March, 240,203 people have recovered.

Of the 73 deaths registered in the last 24 hours, 43 occurred in the North, 20 in the Lisbon and Vale do Tejo region, eight in the Center region, one in Alentejo and one in the Algarve.

According to the DGS bulletin, the North region is the one with the highest number of new SARS-CoV-2 infections in the last 24 hours (3,000), totaling 167,463 cases and 2,343 deaths since March. In the Lisbon and Tagus Valley region, 1,980 new cases have been reported, with 104,448 cases of infection and 1,706 deaths so far.

In the Central region, there were 866 more cases of covid-19, with a total of 32,362 and 629 deaths since March. In Alentejo, 106 more cases were reported, totaling 6,643 cases and 123 deaths since the epidemic began in Portugal. The Algarve region has reported 88 new cases today, for a total of 5,617 cases and 55 deaths. In the Autonomous Region of the Azores, 27 new cases were registered in the last 24 hours, totaling 1,149 detected infections and 18 deaths since the beginning of the pandemic. Madeira registered 20 new cases. Since March, the autonomous community has recorded 958 infections and two deaths.

Confirmed cases are distributed in all age groups, with the highest number of infections between 20 and 59 years. The new coronavirus has already infected at least 140,233 men and 172,315 women in Portugal, according to DGS data, according to which there are 6,092 cases of unknown sex, which are under investigation, since these data are provided automatically.

Of the total fatalities, 2,545 were men and 2,331 women. The highest number of deaths is still concentrated in people over 80 years of age.

Portugal is in a state of emergency from November 9 to December 8, a period during which there is a mandatory curfew in counties with the highest risk of contagion. During the week, the curfew must be respected between 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m., while on weekends and holidays, circulation is limited between 1:00 p.m. on Saturday and 5:00 a.m. on Sunday, and between 13:00 on Sundays and 05:00 on Mondays.

The covid-19 pandemic caused at least 1,519,213 deaths derived from more than 65.8 million cases of infection worldwide, according to a report prepared by the French agency AFP.

c / LUSA
