Covid-19: a year after the detection of the disease, China tries to hide its origin


An “investigative work” conducted by an official newspaper of the Communist Party of China and published this week indicated that the virus may have reached Wuhan through imported frozen products.

“Although it may be too early to jump to conclusions, the possibility that the coronavirus has passed from frozen goods to Wuhan … cannot be ruled out,” reads a note from the Global Times editor.

After conducting a “series of investigations”, the reporters found, for example, that “consumption and sales of imported frozen products were frequent in Wuhan”, a reality in several other parts of the world.

“Did the initial outbreak in Wuhan originate from imported frozen food?” The newspaper.

Faced with criticism about how Chinese authorities dealt with the early stages of the virus, Beijing is now trying to rewrite the narrative of the pandemic, promoting theories that the virus originated across borders.

While seeking to push forward these theories, the state press has distorted comments from foreign experts to suggest a broad global consensus that the virus first appeared outside of China.
