COVID-19. 2,101 new infected in Portugal (a new record), 11 deaths and 588 recovered


This Thursday’s bulletin from the General Health Directorate registers 2,101 more cases of covid-19 (a new record), 11 deaths and 588 cured in Portugal (data from Wednesday). In total, there are now 93,294 confirmed cases, 2,128 deaths, and 55,081 recovered.

The number of new infected in 24 hours is a new record since the start of the pandemic, surpassing 29 people this Wednesday (2,072). This is the second consecutive day above 2000 cases and the eighth consecutive day above 1000. The growth rate is 2.3%, almost identical to the previous year (2.32%).

The number of deaths is higher than on Wednesday (seven), being within the average of the last seven days (11.1) and above that of the last 30 (8.4). The growth rate is 0.52%.

There are 36 more hospitalized in Portuguese hospitals, bringing the total to 993, the highest number since April 27, when there were 995 hospitalized. The DGS bulletin also reveals that there are four more patients in the Intensive Care Units, which now allow a total of 139 patients in the ICUs. That’s also the largest number since May 4, when 143 seriously ill people were there.

The 588 recovered are the most robust figure of the last five days (+ 1.08%), above the average of the last seven days (509.1) and the last 30 (357.3).

There are 36,085 active cases in the country. As for the contacts monitored by the health authorities, after an increase of 1,057, there are now 51,601.

Lisbon and the Tagus Valley exceed 45 thousand cases

The northern region once again leads in new daily cases (1,146), far from Lisbon and the Tagus Valley, which registered 733. That is, the northern region and the capital are 54.6% and 34.9% of the total , respectively. In the Center there were 163 more cases, while in Alentejo and Algarve there are 40 and 13 new cases of covid-19 infection. On the islands, where everything happens at different speeds, the Azores reported another infection and Madeira another five.

Adding up all the cases since the beginning of the pandemic in the country, in March, we conclude that Lisbon and Vale do Tejo had 45,521 cases (+857 deaths), followed by North (35,807 and 934 deaths), Center (7,511 .275 deaths), Algarve (2,080, 21 dead) and Alentejo (1,764, 26 dead). In Madeira, no patients died from covid-19, while in the Azores there were 15 deaths.

The bulletin of the Directorate General of Health also allows, in addition to showing that there were more women (50,762) infected than men (42,532), monitoring the age groups in which new infections and deaths occurred. Starting with the identified infection cases, the total looks like this:

0-9 years: 3,980
10-19 years: 5,798
20-29 years: 15,405
30-39 years: 15,215
40-49 years: 15,211
50-59 years: 13,439
60-69 years: 9,129
70-79 years: 6,138
+80 years: 8,799

The same document, which reveals a balance in deaths between men (1,066) and women (1,062), distributes the deaths as follows:

0-9 years: 1
10-19 years: 0
20-29 years: 2
30-39 years: 5
40-49 years: 24
50-59 years: 66
60-69 years: 181
70-79 years: 416
+80: 1,433
