COVID-19: 167 more dead, 3,480 infected and 8,263 recovered. Hospitalizations fall again – News


Since the beginning of the pandemic, Portugal has recorded 14,885 deaths associated with COVID-19 and 778,369 cases of infection. In relation to Wednesday, there are 167 more dead and 3,480 infected.

Today there were also 8,263 more recovered patients. In total, there are 645,122 recovery cases related to the disease in the country.

The Lisbon and Tagus Valley region, with 1,846 new infections, is the area of ​​the country with the most new notifications, with 53% of total diagnoses in the last 24 hours.

The epidemiological situation report, with data updated until midnight yesterday, indicates that the Lisbon and Vale do Tejo Norte region is the one that registers the highest number of accumulated deaths related to the SARS-CoV-2 virus with 6,068 (+86 than yesterday), followed by the North with 4,956 deaths (+39), Center (2,646 +22) and Alentejo (852 +11). At least 277 (+6) deaths were recorded in the Algarve. There are 28 (=) deaths recorded in the Azores. In Madeira there are 58 deaths (+3) associated with the disease.

Throughout the national territory there are 5,570 hospitalized, 259 less than yesterday, and 836 in intensive care units (ICU), 17 less than on Wednesday. There has been a drop in the number of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 in Portugal for several days.

According to the DGS epidemiological situation bulletin, there are 118,362 active cases of contagion in Portugal – 4,950 less than yesterday – and 155,298 people under surveillance by the authorities – less 7,268.

DGS newsletter image

DGS newsletter image

“data-title =” Image from the DGS – COVID-19 bulletin: 167 more dead, 3,480 infected and 8,263 recovered. Hospitalizations fall again – SAPO Lifestyle “> DGS newsletter image

DGS newsletter image

The northern region is the area of ​​the country with the highest number of accumulated infections, with 319,836 (+709), followed by the Lisbon and Vale do Tejo region (291,917 +1,846), the Center region (111,134 +518), Alentejo (27,404 ) +101) and Algarve (19,140 +148). In the Azores there are 3,644 (+6) confirmed cases and in Madeira there are 5,294 (+152).

Age groups most affected

The highest number of deaths is concentrated among people over 80 years of age, with 9,957 (+100) deaths registered since the start of the pandemic, followed by those aged 70 to 79 years (3,084 +41), between 60 and 69 years ( 1,278 + 17), between 50 and 59 years old (380 +6), 40 and 49 years old (135 +3) and between 30 and 39 years old (37 =).

There are still 10 deaths (=) between 20 and 29 years, two (=) between 10 and 19 years and two (=) between 0 and 9 years.

The data indicate that, of the total fatalities, 7,759 are men and 7,126 women.

The age group between 40 and 49 years has the highest incidence of cases, with a total of 130,117 cases (+565), followed by the age group between 30 and 39 years, with 112,057 (+438), and the age group group of 20 and 29, with 111,366 (+451).

Since the start of the pandemic, there have been 351,710 infected men and 426,401 women, with 258 unknown persons.

Summary table of current epidemiological data

Summary table of current epidemiological data

credits: SAPO

“data-title =” Summary table of today’s epidemiological data – COVID-19: 167 more dead, 3,480 infected and 8,263 recovered. Hospitalizations fall again – SAPO Lifestyle “> Summary table of current epidemiological data

Summary table of current epidemiological data credits: SAPO

COVID-19, caused by the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, is an acute respiratory infection that can trigger pneumonia.

The disease is transmitted by a new coronavirus detected in late December in Wuhan, a city in central China.

DGS Recommendations

DGS monitors the situation regarding the spread of the new coronavirus and recommends:

  • In Portugal, if you have symptoms of respiratory illness and have traveled from an area affected by the new coronavirus, the authorities advise you to contact Saúde 24 (808 24 24 24). If you go to a health unit, you must immediately inform the security or administrative personnel.
  • Avoid close contact with people suffering from acute respiratory infections; avoid close contact with those who have a fever or cough;
  • Wash your hands frequently, especially after direct contact with sick people, with detergent, soap, or alcohol-based solutions;
  • Wash your hands every time you blow, sneeze, or cough;
  • Avoid direct contact with live animals at markets in areas affected by outbreaks;
  • Adopt respiratory etiquette measures: cover your nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing (with a tissue or with your arm, never with your hands; throw the tissue in the trash);
  • Avoid consuming raw animal products, especially meat and eggs;
  • Follow the recommendations of the health authorities of the country where you are.

Last swing in AFP

The new coronavirus pandemic has killed at least 2,355,410 people worldwide since December 2019, according to a survey by the AFP news agency. More than 107,302,760 cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection have been officially diagnosed since the start of the pandemic, of which at least 66,581,600 people have been considered cured.

The figures are based on daily reports from the health authorities of each country and exclude new reviews by statistical agencies, such as Russia, Spain and the United Kingdom.

On Wednesday, there were 13,683 deaths and 440,911 new cases of the new coronavirus in the world. The countries that recorded the highest number of deaths in their latest daily reports were the United States with 3,266 new deaths, Brazil (1,330) and Mexico (1,328).

The United States has so far been the worst hit country in terms of deaths and cases, with 471,575 deaths out of 27,287,341 positive cases recorded, according to a survey by Johns Hopkins University. After the United States, the most affected countries are Brazil with 234,850 deaths and 9,659,167 cases, Mexico with 169,760 deaths (1,957,889 cases), India with 155,360 deaths (10,871,294 cases) and the United Kingdom with 114,851 deaths (3,985,161 cases).

Among the most affected countries, Belgium has the highest number of deaths in relation to its population, with 186 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, followed by Slovenia (177), the United Kingdom (169), the Czech Republic (166) and Italy (153) .

Europe totaled today, at 11:00, 790,287 deaths in 35,065,497 diagnosed cases, Latin America and the Caribbean 628,443 deaths (19,821,304 cases), the United States and Canada 492,579 deaths (28,101,323 cases), Asia 246,307 deaths (15,575,802 cases), the Middle East 100,065 deaths (4,999,244 cases), Africa 96,784 deaths (3,707,759 cases) and Oceania 945 deaths (31,837 cases).

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