Couple dies hand in hand within minutes


Paul Blackwell, 62, and Rose Mary Blackwell, 65, had been married for 30 years and both died last week, hand in hand, minutes apart, at a hospital in Grand Prairie, North Carolina. Texas.

The couple became infected with the new coronavirus and was admitted earlier this month, when their health situation began to get complicated, according to statements by Paul and Rose’s son, Shawn Blackwell, to CNN, who had the opportunity. together with the parents at the moment of goodbye. “The disease hit them very quickly,” he said.

They were both hooked up to the ventilator and the situation continued to deteriorate to the point where doctors told the couple’s son that there was nothing else to do. So the family made the decision to turn off the life support machines. “The doctors said they hadn’t seen any progression and their overall vital functions were slowly declining. They got to the point where they couldn’t do anything else,” Shawn explains.

A Go Fund Me page was created to help with the costs of both funerals as the family does not have sufficient means. In four days they raised around 60 thousand euros.
