Costa was rejected by Centeno


Tiago Petinga / Lusa

António Costa and Mário Centeno

Luís Marques Mendes considered that the Minister of Finance, Mário Centeno, disavowed the Prime Minister, António Costa, regarding a transfer of 850 million euros from the Resolution Fund to the Novo Banco.

“The most serious case is that of the disapproval of the Prime Minister of the Novo Banco. Only Carmo and Trindade do not fall because we are in an abnormal moment ”, writes a political commentator in a column of Jornal de Negócios this Sunday published with the main points of his political comment on SIC.

“The Prime Minister is saying for weeks there will be no more money to the new bank without a prior audit. He repeated this at the Assembly of the Republic. Shortly afterwards it became known that [Mário] Centeno had already transferred the assignment to Novo Banco even without an audit, ”continued Luís Marques Mendes.

In the opinion of the former PSD president, Mário Centeno “runs on his own path”. “This seems like a mere failure of communication between the Prime Minister and the Minister of Finance. What would be serious. So they don’t talk when it comes to 850 million? The problem is another: Centeno rejected António Costa“He reiterated.

“The finance minister was aware of the prime minister’s demand. You still decided against him. Centeno has been running on his own track for a long time, ”he said. In SIC, speaking on the same subject in his usual comment space on Sunday, Marques Mendes reiterated this idea and added that Mário Centeno “only obeys himself.”

Even with the injection of 850 million in Novo Banco, Luís Marques Mendes considers that, in addition to the apologies to the blocker Catarina Martins, António Costa should have given a “Explanation to the country” About what happened.

Last Friday, remember, the Prime Minister apologized to the Left Bloc for transmitting incorrect information during last week’s biweekly debate. “It had not been reported that, the day before, the Ministry of Finance had made this payment,” António Costa said on May 8, quoted by the Lusa agency, about the payment of 850 million euros to Novo Banco.

Still on the SIC antenna, Marques Mendes commented on Saturday’s headline in the weekly Expresso, which stated that the government is preparing “fences” and “drones” to control the beaches during the summer. “It is not practical, it seems that we are in a police state “.

For this reason, he called on the Government to apply “common sense measures”, to “trust the civility of the citizens” and provide a lot of information to the people. “The beach is essential for health” and after long quarantines at home, “people need to breathe, enjoy the freedom to be happy,” he stressed.
