Costa highlights the “essential role of the UN” and supports Guterres in the fight against the pandemic


“The United Nations is, more than ever, indispensable to respond to challenges that know no borders or sympathize with selfish approaches”, stressed the Head of Government at the beginning of his speech that, due to the pandemic, it was prerecorded to be broadcast in the General Assembly that takes place this Friday.

“The impact of new technologies on the economy and on work and relations between States requires new rules of international conduct. The UN has played a central role with compromise solutions that defend the general interest ”, he stressed.

António Costa considered that “international organizations themselves show difficulties, at times, in responding to challenges and threats,” taking as an example the “paradigmatic” case of the Security Council. “It reveals a limited capacity to react to crises and conflicts and its composition does not reflect the geopolitical realities of the 21st century”, defended.

That is why Portugal advocates the extension of permanent and non-permanent members, that is, to the African continent and, at least, to Brazil and India ”.

Despite these challenges, “The UN remains essential for the preservation of world peace and security, sustainable development and the defense and promotion of human rights”declared the Prime Minister.

Therefore, Portugal will continue to strongly support the United Nations system, both politically and financially. We maintain an ambitious agenda of commitments to strengthen the capacity of the UN and its Member States to respond to the main areas of the international agenda, including the goals of sustainable development, climate change, migration, reception of refugees, issues of the sea. and the sustainability of the oceans ”.

The Portuguese leader took the opportunity to highlight the “leadership and reforms introduced by Secretary General António Guterres”, which he considered “fundamental to make the action of this organization more efficient and flexible”. “He therefore has our full support,” he stressed.
Portugal “values ​​the role of the WHO” in the fight against Covid-19

In his speech, the Portuguese Prime Minister defended the thesis that the current “global emergency framework” reinforces the need for cooperation between States and international organizations to respond to the challenge of health and its socio-economic consequences.

The UN is a central element of these efforts, including through the Global Humanitarian Response Plan to Covid-19, promoted by the Secretary General, António Guterres.. We support its implementation and value the coordination role of the WHO ”, he emphasized.

António Costa later said that one of the “essential priorities” of the Portuguese presidency of the Council of the European Union, starting on January 1, 2021, will be to restore growth and jobs “and increase the resilience of economies. , societies and the State “.

There is also a need to strengthen development cooperation and the capacity of the United Nations system to act in this area. Portugal reinforced its contributions to the various United Nations agencies, with emphasis on WHO, the International Organization for Migration, the High Commissioner for Refugees, the World Food Program or UNICEF, ”he said.

At this point, the Prime Minister even dramatized the mission to combat economic and social inequalities in the world.

International security is not compatible with such an unequal distribution of resources on a global scale, especially in conjunction with demographic imbalances and phenomena of environmental degradation. that are often associated with him. We need a new global commitment based on human dignity, balancing concrete access to opportunities and hope, “said António Costa in his second background address to the United Nations General Assembly.
Environmental agenda and protection of human rights

In the area of ​​the environmental agenda, António Costa warned that the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic “is no excuse to interrupt policies against the current climate emergency, which constitutes an existential threat to all “.

On the contrary, it is necessary to deepen the coordination between the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and the Paris Climate Agreement, helping to create societies less vulnerable to the impacts of extreme meteorological phenomena. But it is also essential to deepen the relationship between the oceans and changes with special attention to small island states. Portugal reaffirms its commitment to co-organize, with Kenya, the United Nations Conference on Oceans in 2021, and has the participation of all UN Member States, at the highest level, “he said.

In his speech, António Costa also defended “free, plural and tolerant societies that reject racism, xenophobia, homophobia and populism and that work for inclusion, gender equality and freedom of expression.”

The pandemic has placed new demands on the promotion and protection of human rights. Portugal responded immediately to these demands, expanding, in particular, access to the National Health Service to all migrants and refugees, regardless of their status and legal situation, under the same conditions provided for national citizens. Portugal has played an active role in welcoming migrants and refugees, in an unequivocal expression of solidarity, ”he said.
