Costa ‘fired’ the president of TdC by phone



Vítor Caldeira made several requests for an audience with S. Bento, but the Prime Minister did not respond. He called to say he will not be re-elected.

“Lack of respect for the president of the Court of Accounts and the institution itself” and “lack of courtesy” towards the current incumbent, for having exercised his mandate in a “impartial and technically irreproachable” manner: this is how the ToC advises judges. Classify the way António Costa decided to inform Vítor Caldeira that he will not be reelected.

In fact, as SOL learned, it was by telephone that the prime minister and leader of the PS_ informed the president of the Court of Accounts that the Socialists are not going to renew their name proposal in Parliament for a new term.

SOL also found that Vítor Caldeira sent several requests to S. Bento to be received in a formal audience by the Prime Minister, but never received a positive response.

The truth is that the Court of Auditors started this year with devastating audits for central and local authorities and that caused the ink to run. The varnish cracked between the entity led by Vítor Caldeira and the Government, the latter refuting many of the conclusions of the documents. The sale of real estate by Social Security and the financing model of higher education were the ones that received the most ‘timely’ reactions.

According to the entity led by Vítor Caldeira, the divestments of real estate carried out by Social Security between 2016 and 2018 did not take into account the maximization of income and the selection of real estate and sale procedures was not supported from an economic and financial point of view. , “Given that the sale of the properties was carried out mainly through a direct adaptation procedure, following the advertising of advertisements on the Social Security website.” Fernando Medina’s voice was the most scathing, pointing out that the report was of “poor quality”, accusing TdC of doing “pure politics” with this conclusion. The mayor of Lisbon also said that the technicians who wrote it preferred Social Security to “speculate” instead of helping the cause of providing affordable housing.

The infrastructure analysis report was also devastating, revealing that “about two-thirds (62.2%) of the railroad is in a state that needs investment.” The president of the ToC was finally called to Parliament in view of the “need to deepen” the problems raised.

SOL contacted the Court of Auditors, but the organization’s source declined to comment, as the Prime Minister’s office did not respond.
