Costa admits Festa do Avante! DGS recommendations are fulfilled.


Or Prime Minister, António Costa, disse, sixth feira à noite, than to Festa do Avante! it will be able to be carried out as long as the sanitary guidelines of the Direção-Geral da Saúde (DGS) are complied with, because at political activity two parties “are not prohibited”.

“A political activity of the PCP or of any other party is not forbidden, nevertheless it does not pass us by, it believed that no one would forbid political activity. Now, these activities will be carried out according to the rules [da DGS]. Not my party or conference marked for May, it is added ‘sine die’ “due to the covid-19 pandemic, António Costa said during an interview not Porto Canal.

Or prime minister sublinhou that “there is nothing that the Constitution allows, in law, where I want it to be, for the exercise of political activities.”

Contudo, or Chefe do Governo, warned that partisan activities do not fit into the communist ‘rentrée’, “to respect the rules of health, like, aliás, or PCP disse logo that would respect.”

António Costa emphasizes that “each party is responsible, obviously, how it organizes” its agenda.

O Governo announced, on the fifth of February, that the performance of music festivals is prohibited in Portugal on the 30th of September, following the meeting of the Conselho de Ministros.

The communiqué of the Council of Ministers states that, for the events between February 28 and September 30, 2020, which were not carried out due to the pandemic, it is foreseen “to issue a ticket of equal value to the price of payment of income, Two consumers will be guaranteed to you. “

As two decisions are still going to be appreciated by the Assembleia da República.

This proposal to read saw the final point of the dúvidas about possible additions or cancellations of the edições of this year of hundreds of music festivities that took place in Portugal between June and September.

On that day, or PCP, for the later part, remembered a decision to be made for the cancellation of Avante and, through an envied response to Lusa, escreveu, in two paragraphs, what or Avante! “It is not a simple music festival, it is a great cultural political achievement that has been taking place since 1976, many years before there was a kind of festival.”

A drafting of the communiqué of the Council of Ministers was not altered in any way, referring to the prohibition, on the 30th of September, to the realization of “festivals and shows of an analogous nature”, and not only to “festivals of music” as initially stated .

Questioned also, during an interview, about whether the PS will support the eventual recall of the current President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, in 2021, António Costa replied that “a articulação” do Chefe de Estado com o Governo, com o parliament, “Articulation between all the political parties, as social partners, has been absolutely exemplary and has been a fator of difference, aliás, from Portugal, at the international dinner.”

The prime minister still hopes that “there is a greater consensus or possibility that I will not disengage from an economic recovery program that we will have to re-launch, when we will unravel it or become a European.”
