Costa admits ″ more restrictive measures ″ due to the growth of the pandemic


The Prime Minister, António Costa, reiterated this Friday that he does not like the mandatory preventive measures against covid-19 that he proposes, but warned that the alternative could be the adoption, within a few weeks or months, of others that are even more restrictive. .

“Of course I don’t like measurements [utilização obrigatória de máscara de proteção e da aplicação StayAway Covid]. The question is whether this measure is necessary, serves to contain the transmission of the pandemic, and if it is not better to resort to this measure now than to be within a few weeks or a month or two months from now, impose much more restrictive measures Like saying: “look, I just can’t go out on the street, with or without a mask,” he declared.

Costa spoke to the press at the end of a European Council in Brussels, the day that Portugal recorded the highest daily value of new cases of infection since the beginning of the pandemic of 19 covid (2608) and 21 deaths.

“And the question I ask again is that with this growth rate of the pandemic that we are having, if we do not adopt measures of this nature now, we may have to take much more restrictive measures for a time. freedom, from freedom of movement, as we adopted at the beginning of this pandemic ”, he emphasized.

Defending the mandatory use of the StayAway Covid application, Costa admitted that some of the criticism of this measure is due to the “understanding of freedoms”, which he said he shared, assuming that it is “a very debatable issue”, but considered that many they are due to a series of “errors” and “wrong assumptions” about the characteristics of this instrument.

“The assembly [da República] decided to hold a series of hearings. I think it is important that these audiences exist, first to clarify several misunderstandings that I have noticed that exist, “he said, beginning by clarifying that” a first misunderstanding that has existed and that is worth clarifying now, is that this application does not proceed to the geolocation of people “and” does not allow knowing where people have been, where they have not been, where they have been, where they have not been.

The “second confusion” is that the application “fully guarantees anonymity, that is, it is not even known who is warned, nor who is the one who, being contaminated, gave the alert”, being that, in the alert, also There is neither the place where the close contact was nor when the close contact was. “

“There is a third piece of information that I think is very important, which is: only the person who was considered positive can notify others of his situation. No one else can do it for him”, and, “to avoid that there are false starts” , the user “can only do it with a code given to him by the doctor who diagnosed the infection to be able to put it in the application and be able to transmit it to others”.

On the other hand, he emphasized that “neither the General Directorate of Health (DGS) nor any other authority has access to this information, nor does this information circulate through the DGS channels or by any other authority, since it is a communication that is made directly from the cell phone. which warns all other mobile phones it has been in contact with. “

Finally, he highlighted a fifth aspect, “very important from the point of view of data protection is that there is no database where this data is processed”.

Therefore, many of the criticisms I have seen are based on erroneous assumptions, “he said.

Regarding the discussion held in the European Council on the situation of the pandemic in Europe, António Costa said that the growth trend is found in most countries, and although there is “a common effort at all costs to avoid adopting new measures of restriction of freedom of movement, “he noted that several member states are taking increasingly harsh measures to try to stop the spread of the pandemic.

“It was established that there will not only be a point dedicated to covid-19 in all face-to-face Councils, but also the German presidency [do Conselho da UE] We will organize informal meetings via videoconference periodically, so that we can all follow the evolution of the pandemic, seek to harmonize practices, define identical criteria for quarantines and mutual recognition of tests, “he said, adding that” the issue of compatibility was also discussed. different applications for those who cross the border “.

Looking ahead to the next few months, and already next year, António Costa said that the Portuguese presidency of the Council of the EU, in the first half of 2021, will be according to what circumstances allow, but he admitted hoping “that it is not to cancel “namely summit with India, and it is still possible to” recover “some meetings and conferences.
