Coronavirus is even transmitted by aerosols emitted during respiration – Observer


The discussion was about the extremely small particles, aerosols, it is released during simple breathing and should not be confused with droplets (which are larger) released by coughing, sneezing, or even talking. After all, after one step forward and two steps back, the North American Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guarantees that It is even possible that the Covid-19 virus is transmitted by the simple act of breathing. However, it does make several caveats: it only occurs in exceptional situations and is far from the most common form of contagion. Even so, it is possible to become infected even if the virus carrier has a distance of more than 1.8 meters.

Two weeks ago, an update on the CDC page indicated that SARS-CoV-2 could be transmitted through aerosols. Two days later the information was deleted. The official justification was that a draft would have been published before the technical review. This Monday, as announced by The Washington Post (paid content), the information was restored.

Is the coronavirus transmitted by droplets emitted during respiration? CDC says yes, but withdraws later

“There is evidence that, under certain conditions, people with Covid-19 appear to have infected others who were more than six feet away. [1,8 metros]. These transmissions occurred in confined spaces with inadequate ventilation. Sometimes, the infected person breathed with difficulty, for example, while singing or exercising, “read the official website of the US agency.

Next, the CDC makes the observation: “Available data indicates that it is much more common for the virus that causes Covid-19 to spread through close contact with a person with Covid-19 than through airborne transmission.” .

The idea that the new coronavirus can travel in aerosols is not new and in a literary review signed by the National Academy of Sciences (published in the journal Science in April) it is concluded that “the results of the studies are consistent with the aerosolization of virus when breathing normally. “However, this review is based on scientific studies that are not conclusive and, although the authors themselves acknowledge it, the World Health Organization criticized the conclusion, contrasting with an analysis of 75,000 cases in China in the that no cases were found, airborne transmission.

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