Contest – Economic Jornal


1. The concept of competition is essential to safeguard consumers, which is all of us.

In Portugal, a small country, sometimes unbearably small and suffocating, until four years ago little was noticed of its existence, which is strange, since since 2003 there has been a regulatory body, the so-called Competition Authority (AdC). It is the responsibility of this entity to ensure respect for the operation of the market economy and free competition.

As we can see, it has not been easy.

Every day we hear rumors of collusion in public tenders, whether in the central or local administration, in the purchase of products or services. It occurs in municipalities, schools, hospitals, courts, other structures. Competitors make poster. They combine victories. Supplies are outsourced to each other. Crimes always end up being paid for with taxes.

2. The phenomenon has many dimensions. It is not just public. It is also private and cooperative.

On highways, the price of fuel is equal to a penny.

In pharmacies approximates the costs of medicines.

In retail, we focus primarily on the price of food.

In communication, in the heyday of newspapers, there was the consternation of raising cover prices, evenly, on the same day.

It could continue because of the costs associated with justice, banking, insurance. There are too many examples that condemn us as a supposedly evolved society but that, in practice, is consumed in economic crime.

And those who do this are not Martians. They are citizens addicted to a despicable and socially tolerated culture; the same one that just a few years ago presented tax evasion as a feat by supposedly smart people.

3. Therefore, the fines of 304 million euros that the Competition Authority (AdC), in two decisions, now applies to six supermarket chains (Modelo Continente, Pingo Doce, Auchan, Intermarché, Lidl and E) are a sign of hope. .Leclerc) and two beverage providers (Sociedade Central de Cervejas and Prime Drinks).

The food flap has long required serious investigation. And the AdC informs that new actions are underway targeting the large supermarket chains and other recognized brands, such as Licor Beirão, Sumol / Compal, Sogrape, Bimbo Donuts.

I’m glad that happens.

We must know how to separate respect for all these brands, and their workers, from what are reprehensible and ultimately condemned practices. In this case, the 121.9 million euros of fine to Sonae (Continent) or the 91 million to Jerónimo Martins (Pingo Doce), which are subject to appeal, are also a warning for other companies and sectors.

Four. Congratulations to the 115 employees of AdC and, at the helm, the president Margarida Matos Rosa. Elected in November 2016, first as a member, this woman has already led the application of 73% of the competition’s fines, which is absolutely revealing of the action, now in retail, but already before in banking, insurance, pharmacies and notaries. . There is a before and after his entry on the scene. Above all, we must hope that there will also be a future in this ability to inspect and monitor economic activity.

Portugal, with its entrepreneurial mechanisms, the little competition crushed by monopolies, duopolies, oligopolies and other cartels, needs people like that.
