Consummate divorce. BE will vote against the Budget – State Budget


The Left Bloc will vote against the 2021 State Budget proposal in the final global vote scheduled for this Thursday, indicates the proposed resolution of the Political Commission of the blockers, to which the Business had access.

Despite stating that the resolution proposal is “conditional on the votes still in progress; based on the proposals and indications of known votes,” the blockers state that “the National Table observes that the parliamentary process has not improved the Budget proposal in terms that allow The Parliamentary Group of the Block will maintain, in the final global vote, the vote against the Budget proposal ”.

This proposed resolution will be presented to the National Board tonight in a virtual meeting. “The Left Bloc has been involved in the negotiation of EO 2021 for several months, but the government has maintained an intransigent stance on central issues, insisting on a minimal response that is not in tune with the circumstances of the pandemic, economic crisis and country social “. , criticize the text.

“A continuity budget does not respond to an exceptional situation. For this reason, the Left Bloc voted against the OE 2021 proposal in general ”, he points out.

However, the Bloc did not stop proposing amendments to EO 2021. The Parliamentary Group of the Left Bloc presented only 12 proposals to modify the Budget, central measures in the negotiation process started in July 2020 and structural in response to the crisis : protect employment, support those who lost wages and income and combat poverty, strengthen the National Health Service, prevent more public losses with Novo Banco ”, he continues.

“The PS was based on the right to reject all these proposals, without at the same time having approved other proposals that guarantee a forceful response to the crisis,” accuse the blockers.
