Constitutional Court confirms seven candidates for presidential elections


This Wednesday, the Constitutional Court (TC) admitted seven candidates to the elections for the Presidency of the Republic, which will take place on January 24, accepting missing documentation from André Ventura and Tiago Mayan, and excluding Eduardo Baptista.

The TC ruling, published on the Court’s page, admits the candidacies of João Ferreira, Marisa Matias, André Ventura, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, Vitorino Silva, Ana Gomes and Tiago Mayan and decides not to admit the candidacy of Eduardo Baptista.

As for the candidates who had been notified to add missing documentation, the judges say that Ventura sent “information about his professional activity, so nothing prevents the admission of the respective application.”

The candidate supported by the Liberal Initiative, Tiago Mayan, also sent the TC the identification document of his representative, former CDS-PP deputy Michael Seufert, and reorganized “the statements of proposition and the respective electoral certificates, in terms of making 7,500 valid statements, so nothing prevents the admission of the respective application “.

The military Eduardo Baptista, who had presented 11 voter signatures, of which only six were valid, delivered another four of the 7,500 required and his candidacy was rejected.

“Regardless of other considerations, the failure to submit a sufficient number of statements of purpose to complete the legal minimum determines the non-admission of the respective application,” says the TC.

Applications are submitted by a minimum of 7,500 and a maximum of 15,000 voters. The presentation of the application implies proof of registration in the census and the indication of the number and date of the respective identification document “and, of course, a statement signed by you that contains the name and other identifying elements of the candidate”. Judgment TC.

“The verification of the regularity of the processes, the authenticity of the documents and the eligibility of the candidates is the responsibility of the Court, in section, from the end of the term for the presentation of applications and the decision of admission or rejection of any of applications submitted will be delivered within six days after the end of the same period ”, he adds.

On the other hand, the law also requires that, in the intermediate period, when procedural irregularities occur, candidates have the opportunity to present them within two days.

Thus, “these requirements determined, in the present electoral process, the dates of intervention of the Court, in the section, in this stage: December 28, 2020, the verification of the eligibility of the proposed candidates and the procedural irregularities of the respective candidatures “and, as of this Wednesday, the decision on the admission of applications submitted.

Before the publication of the sentence, the president of the Constitutional Court, Manuel da Costa Andrade, highlighted that “the material and formal requirements of more than 60 thousand statements of proposition and other certificates of vote, autographs or in digital format were verified.”

In a “compliment” to the employees published on the TC website, Costa Andrade has stressed that “compliance with the legally established deadlines required that a substantial part of this work be carried out in the short term between 23 and 28 of December “, for which, considered the judge adviser, it is” a duty of justice “to publicly acknowledge the work of the officials of the Court.
