Congressman proposes excused absences due to pet bereavement


Cristina Rodrigues, an unregistered parliamentarian, presented two bills in the Assembly of the Republic to modify the Labor Code, seeking to extend the absenteeism regime to allow family assistance to companion animals and the right to regret his death.

“The evolution that has taken place in the relationship between people and pets is factual, and most of their owners already consider them an integral part of the family and the judicial system itself reflects the growing importance of animals in our lives when it comes to legislate. their protection and the criminalization of mistreatment ”, reads a note sent to the newsrooms by the former PAN deputy this Friday.

For the parliamentarian, the Labor Code must, therefore, guarantee “the right to mourning of the keepers, in the event of the death of the animal, and also the right to medical assistance when necessary.”

In practice, the proposals propose the right to one day of justified absence in the event of the death of the animal and up to seven days a year to provide “urgent and essential” assistance to pets in the event of illness or accident.

Currently, absences related to animal care are, or not, justified, depending on the decision of the employer, and the situation is not provided for by law.
