Conceição chose the best coach: he quoted Vialli and revealed what is not talked about at FC Porto




This Friday the name of the best coach of the I League in the 2019/20 season was revealed at the Kick-Off, an event organized by the League.

Sérgio Conceição was elected the best coach of the last season, in a vote carried out with the coaches and captains of the I League. The winner was announced at the Kick-Off, an event organized by the League this Friday.

“A big hug to the rest of the nominees and to all the opponents. This is an individual award, it doesn’t leave me with a tear in my eyes like collective awards do. It is an award from the team, from all the departments that work with us on a daily basis. The structure, I must thank our great president, who has been unbeatable, my technical team and the people who are part of this club, “he said.

“Football is part of this society, Vialli, who was a great striker, said that life is made up of 10 percent of what happens to us and 90 percent of the way we handle what happens to us. This is how we live in this club ”, he also said, approaching later the works for the new season.

“The work is going in a positive way, assuming that all the players in the group, except for two, already know the way we work. What makes me very proud is that we entered here and from day one there was no more talk about what we have already achieved. I see a group with a lot of ambition and a hunger for titles. When that is the case, it is easier to work, ”he emphasized.

“Nothing motivates me more than arriving at 8 in the morning to work for this club. I don’t need any extra motivation. We are going into a new season with the ambition to win all the events in which we participate,” concluded Sérgio Conceição.
