Compulsory military service, outlawing the Marxist ideology and support for births and the countryside. The proposals of the Chega militants


During a marathon, 44 strategic motions were presented on the first day of the II Arrive Convention, in Évora. Most of the proposals align with the main flags of the party, but some go further, advocating a harder line of political force.

This was the case of the motion of Jorge Rodrigues de Jesús, who proposes the outlawing of all parties with Marxist ideology and criticizes the political line of the European Union. “Chega is against this Marxist EU. And, if it does not change, Portugal has to leave. We do not accept an alliance of Europe with various dictators of Islam from the third world, it is unacceptable. We do not accept uncontrolled immigration as a way to pay a false historical debt ”, he accused, to the loud applause of the congressmen.

The strategic motion ‘Global for Portugal’ of the militant Rui Roque, from Faro, defends, in turn, compulsory military service for men and women for a minimum period of six months. “This fight for Portugal, for the Portuguese, for the decency, it is not, it will not be easy. It will be difficult, very hard and will involve sacrifices, “he declared.

Lamenting the “socialist tyranny” and an “enemy agenda of traditions” and the “traditional family”, the former member of the National Renovation Party (PNR), considered that the current political system does not serve the Portuguese. “This Third Republic is today clearly the enemy of the Portuguese People and has its own internationalist, globalist and progressive agenda. It serves to serve and protect its agents and not to serve and protect the Portuguese People ”, he accused.

Defense of the jailers

The militant Carlos Dias, from the Porto district, presented a strategic motion on Security, warning of the deterioration of the working conditions of the authorities, that is to say, the prison guards, who said they were “more subject to the heavy hand of discipline”. often than prisoners.

“The devaluation that the government places on all security forces is clearly visible, despite public recognition of the effort and dedication of professionals, who contribute a lot to the collection and reinforcement of the State coffers, but also to statistics and internal security ranking. from Portugal “, stressed the activist from Porto.

João Tilly, who headed the party’s list in Viseu, in turn presented a strategy motion under the title “Save and reactivate the Interior”, stating that “the heart of the country cannot be stopped.”

“Portugal is not just Lisbon and Porto”

“To continue letting the interior of Portugal die is like mummifying a body, removing all its vital interior and leaving only the skeleton.
Contrary to what is said, Portugal is not only Lisbon, Porto and the big cities. And even the big cities do not contain the majority of the population. They contain the largest concentration of population but not the majority, which constitutes an established confusion in the imagination of the political class. But
wrongly, “he says in the document.

The activist from Viseu also proposes that proposals to combat the desertification of the interior be included in the Chega program, such as Zero social security contributions (TSU) for two years for companies and workers followed by reduction
50% in the next three years and the reactivation of the Beira Alta line, together with the Beira Baixa line.

The young militant Rita Maria Matias was one of the most applauded on the first day of work

The young militant Rita Maria Matias was one of the most applauded on the first day of work

Pedro Nunes

Criticism of abortion and euthanasia

The motion ‘Inv (f) erno Demográfica’, by Rita Maria Matias, activist and daughter of the president of the Pro-Life party, Manuel Matias -who will formalize the merger with Chega in this Congress- was one of the most applauded during the first day of work. The 21-year-old activist, a member of the list of national directors who is going to vote this morning, defended the value of life and condemned abortion and euthanasia, as well as the way in which, in her opinion, people usually look at the family. through “evil glasses”

“The Third Republic was ineffective. We are not trapped, we are resigned. The demographic winter is the main structural problem in the country,” said peremptorily, to the applause of the audience.

Criticizing the ideologies of “Marxist egalitarianism and utilitarianism”, Rita Maria Matias, a former CDS sympathizer, argued that at this moment only Chega is in a position to change the course of the country. “Only the Fourth Republic, based on the values ​​of the family, life and the dignity of the human person, can give rise to the demographic spring that Portugal needs. If not, Portugal will die,” he concluded.

The militant Sérgio Carvalho, from Porto, proposed that any political leader of Chega be prevented from exercising any function in the professional football and / or SAD directorates, as well as a period of disgust of six months, to exercise any function in the party after if there is any role in the area.

“What is a fact is that in order to maintain the nobility of the public cause, of politics and of how we want to be differentiators, we cannot let the slightest suspicion overshadow Chega’s political activity,” he said.

In the middle there were also strategic motions to defend the need for Portugal to increase agricultural production and fishing activity, in order to “recover food sovereignty” and bet more on the “development of the Algarve”, by building a new hospital and investment in sectors other than tourism.
