Community masks começam leaf to be sold at a maximum price of 235 escudos


The community masks produced in Cape Verde come to be sold at a maximum price of 235 escudos, a process controlled by the public company Emprofac, which guarantees that I will buy everything from national production.

“All the crafts that make community masks according to the rules or the problem of the bandage. To Emprofac, through contracts, he will acquire all the community masks that will be worn by all the crafts ”, announced the end of last week or president of the National Company of Pharmaceutical Products (Emprofac), Gil Évora.

O responsável, who favors the journalist in the city of Praia, bought seven tons of individual protective equipment, including 1.4 milhões of surgical masks, bought in China, explained that at the national capacity for the production of community masks, I fulfilled the requirements of protection for COVID-19, around 50,000 to 60,000 units per week, “insufficient for the procurement that there will be no market.”

The community masks produced in Cape Verde have to be delivered by the factories to the state-owned company Emprofac, which assumes exclusive distribution competition, placing-for-sale in supermarkets, fuel stations or in our outlets.

As it entered into force in May 06, being valid during the period of the COVID-19 pandemic, it consists of a joint port two ministries of Industry, Commerce and Energy, and of Health and Social Security, which approves or marketing of non-medical, social or community use masks.

Isto face à obrigatoriedade use of mask in Cape Verde and I understand that from 25 May onwards, a client or customer can be treated in public or private services, this type of protection, a government measure that aims to transfer to COVID transmission- 19.

As a matter of fact, the guarantee of all national production will be, Gil Évora explained, the first advantage of concentrating or processing in Emprofac. Or control the quality and health of all locally produced masks, or will be guaranteed by the Emprofac before the placement of the bandage, and other benefits of this process, guarantor.

“A large third vantagem or price. To avoid speculation there is a maximum price of 235 escudos. Emprofac guarantees that nenhuma gives masks certified and sold through supply desses ultrapassará esse preço ”, he stated.

Contrary to surgical masks, specific for cliff profission and lasting some hours, exclusively imported, community masks are only reused and produced locally, with fiscal incentives.

“As the first community masks will be postas à venda no mercado já na second-feira”, guarantee or president of the conselho de administração da Emprofac.

A portaria that entered into force last week determines that the factories or crafts “place their products in the non-market exclusively by the certified distribution company by the competent entity”, designating Emprofac for this purpose.

For its time, for sale to the public, the masks are delivered by the Emprofac for commercialization in pharmacies, supermarkets and mini-markets, specialized shops for medical devices, dental medical clinics, cooperatives and community associations, public health structures, libraries, correios, kiosks tourist information or in places of sale of telecommunication operators, among others.

Second to portaria, I agreed to “regulate the rules of operation of the emerging market, no sense of guaranteeing or safe operation for two consumers, it becomes imperative to establish or marketing circuit two referred to bens, sejam those produced at national or imported level” .

No document, or Governo acknowledges that it is “expectável, at this moment, a great demand for individual protection equipment (PPE) by two companies” and that “nevertheless the efforts” of executive “to acquire these products in various international suppliers, é necessary to have taken alternative measures to guarantee or access the population to products with quality, efficiency and security at earlier times ”.

“Nesse sense, or Governo identified as a priority measure to the viability of the production at national level of alternative masks for community use, using registers and materials that can be properly used, sanitized and used,” lê-se ainda, numa allus to the incentives and fiscal provisions approved in April for the production, not country, of EPI.
