Comissão Europeia warns Portugal about possible infraction process for viagens ‘vouchers’ – Cm ao Minuto


Portugal and the other 11 Member States of the European Union (EU) will be notified to the Commission of Europeia about the possibility of applying infraction procedures for violação das leis referring to the two passages, disseram hoje fontes comunitárias à Lusa.

In the case, I do not understand Bruxelas, an alleged violation of the EU regarding the two routes, and, in particular, about two ‘vouchers’, since some transporters – not only aerial – are trying to tempt you the passengers with voos canceled due to the covid-19 pandemic receiving vouchers instead of asking for a refund, emborras community norms obriguem to that given both possibilities.

Second to information transmitted to Agência Lusa by European sources, Bruxelas went by isso to notify Portugal and other 11 countries by letter, among them to Belgium, Bulgária, Spain, the Czech Republic, Greece, France, Croatia, Italy, Luxembourg, Poland and Poland. .

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