Cold breathing patients in the emergency room of Famalicão hospital


Health professionals from the Medical Surgical Emergency Service of the Vila Nova de Famalicão unit of the Centro Hospitalar do Médio Ave denounced the lack of conditions in the area dedicated to respiratory patients, created due to the pandemic. Without sufficient heating to guarantee the well-being and comfort of the users, they are kept in “inhuman conditions”, protected from the cold by blankets.

“It seems like something from the third world,” João Paulo Carvalho, president of the Northern Regional Section of the Order of Nurses, told JN, saying that the situation has worsened in recent days, due to the low temperatures that have been felt.

This lack of conditions is putting in danger the assistance to patients, who are warmed with blankets, which have also been scarce. “But it is also calling into question the performance of professionals who have to wear various garments under protective equipment to cope with the cold and also get sick,” he added.

However, according to João Paulo Carvalho, the cold is not the only problem in the service and, for several months, the Board of Directors has been alerted to the lack of nurses in the respiratory area, which is only insured by three professionals. Without the reinforcement of the nurses, several professionals sent a document to the Board of Directors of the hospital in which they apologized for responsibilities.

“The Hospital Board of Directors has been trying to deny the truth and say that things are working, but the problems have persisted for several months,” he explained.

This lack of response from the Board of Directors of the Centro Hospitalar do Médio Ave, in Vila Nova de Famalicão, led the nursing professionals to convene a silent vigil, which will take place this afternoon, at 9 p.m., in front of the hospital. The president of the Northern Regional Section of the Order of Nurses also requested an urgent meeting at the Hospital, which takes place this morning.

“With these images in which we see patients in the cold and after being aware of this vigil, we had to intervene as quickly as possible to identify problems and find solutions. If the Board of Directors does not recognize the problems, it may have to be someone with higher power to do something, ”concluded João Paulo Carvalho.

JN tried unsuccessfully to listen to the administration of that hospital.
