Closed again. Can I go shopping? And cut your hair? 47 responses to see what changes with the new confinement – Observer


I am sick with Covid-19, but I have no symptoms. Can I get out of the house?
No. Patients with Covid-19, with or without symptoms and who are not hospitalized, have a duty to be isolated. This does not change with the regulation that takes effect at midnight this Friday (day 15). If you do, you are committing a crime of disobedience, punishable by imprisonment or a fine.

I’m healthy. Will I be able to leave the house?
The rule, as the Prime Minister explained, is for everyone to stay home, without looking for exceptions that may justify leaving. However, as in the first confinement, there are exceptions, so in some moments you can leave the house.

It means that I will be able to walk my dog, take a walk with my children and do jogging?
Yes. All these hypotheses are foreseen, as happened in March and April, but provided it is for short periods and close to home. You must avoid situations that improve your proximity to other people and, if you come across someone, you must maintain a safety distance of 2 meters.

Do I have to wear a mask when I leave?
Wearing a mask was already mandatory on the street and in most places and this has not changed. On the contrary, it doubled the amount of fines for those who walk without a mask on the street during the state of emergency. That is, fines that until now were between 100 and 500 euros, now can reach up to a thousand euros.

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Can I travel by public transport?
Yes, although public transport is expected to have a reduced capacity.

Do I have time to go out?
No, especially since there is no curfew. There is no time to go home, since the idea is not to leave the house. Punctuation. What is expected is that common sense prevails and that each person minimize as much as possible, and what is essential, going out to the street.

Can I go to the theater?
No. Cultural shows are prohibited.

Will I be able to go to football?
No. Even if the first soccer league is not interrupted (contrary to what happened in the first running of the bulls), the matches will continue to run without an audience.

I usually play ball with a group of friends and I also take tennis lessons. Follow?
No. You can only practice individual and outdoor sports, training and competitive activities.

And to the gym, can I go?
You will not be able to because all gyms will have to close, as well as the establishments and equipment where sports activities are practiced (swimming pools, for example), except when they are used for the practice of professional sports or similar.

Can I go to mass? And the mosque?
All events are prohibited, except religious celebrations (but following DGS rules) and electoral campaign events. Funerals, on the other hand, should be organized to avoid crowds and control safety distances, with the maximum number of people set by the local authority. The presence of the spouse or common-law partner, ascendants and descendants cannot be prevented.

Can I get in the car and take a walk without getting out of the car?
No. You can only drive a car if it is for one of the allowed reasons or to refuel. The gasoline pumps will be open.

What happens if I need to go to Finance or process the citizen card?
Utilities will only work by appointment.

I have a court case. What will happen to the scheduled hearing?
The courts will continue to function.

I live on the border between municipalities and the supermarket closest to my house is already in the neighboring municipality. Will I be able to go shopping?
Yes. To go to a supermarket you can always go out and buy wherever you want, especially since movement between municipalities is not prohibited. But the basic rule is that you do not leave the house.
