Clashes between anti-racists and Trump supporters kill one in Portland: Observer


One person was shot dead in the US city of Portland this Saturday during clashes between anti-racist protesters and supporters of President Donald Trump, according to US media, citing local police. A man who was with the victim was arrested.

Police said the shooting took place around 8:45 pm (local time) in the city center and that they are currently investigating the murder.

According to The New York Times, there is a video shot from a distance showing a small group of people in what appears to be a parking lot. Then shots are heard and a man falls to the ground.

The man who was shot and killed wore a cap with the insignia of Patriot Prayer, a far-right group based in the Portland area, which had been involved in fighting in the past. Portland police say they found the victim, but have yet to make a statement about a possible sniper.

“The violence is completely unacceptable and we are all working hard to find and apprehend the responsible individual or individuals,” said Chuck Lovell, Chief of Police.

Donald Trump has already reacted to the clashes on Twitter this Sunday to underline that the National Guard should act in Portland. “The National Guard is ready, willing and able. The only thing the governor has to do is call, ”he wrote.

In fact, Trump praised supporters who went to Portland. “Great patriots!” He wrote on Twitter.

The president of the United States also reposted a video in which his supporters pour gas on anti-racist protesters. In the description, he blames the mayor of Portland, Democrat Ted Wheeler, for the violence, accusing him of being “incompetent” and “stupid.” “The people of Portland will no longer accept the lack of security.”

Earlier, according to CNN, the police had already reported on Twitter that there had been violence “between protesters and counter-protesters” and that there had been some arrests.

The incident occurred on the 94th consecutive night of protests since George Floyd was killed by police in May during an arrest in this Oregon state city. The demonstrations escalated after police killed Jacob Blake, another African American, in Wisconsin.

Revealed name of agent who shot Jacob Blake. Rusten Sheskey, grandson of a police officer, came to the department 7 years ago
