Clarifications from Benfica Virgílio Duque Vieira


Clarifications from the Chairman of the Board of the General Assembly of Sport Lisboa e Benfica

Taking into account that three of the candidates announced for the elections of the governing bodies of Sport Lisboa e Benfica, which will be held next October, recently addressed me, expressing concern about the course of the electoral process, that is, Regarding the reliability of the computer system that supports electronic voting, it is up to me, as acting president of the General Assembly, to know the questions raised and do everything possible so that the vote is carried out with the greatest transparency and allows wide participation. of the members of Sport Lisboa e Benfica.

Therefore, it is important to provide the following clarifications:

one. Since 2006, the deliberations in the General Assembly, as well as the votes for the election of the Club’s governing bodies, have been carried out by electronic voting and, it should be noted, the members in general have deserved the peaceful acceptance of the various results obtained. . . In fact, in that year 2006, the computer system, which is still maintained today, was later verified by the National Electoral Commission, which gave its consent.

two. Faced with the questions posed, that is, about the confidentiality of the vote, the impossibility of multiple voting and the guarantee of counting votes in case of need, the Club’s IT services explained to me how the entire system works and therefore all its reliability is guaranteed, an essential condition for the elections to be held with the utmost transparency and seriousness.

3. In any case, and following the example of previous elections, as soon as the different candidates are formalized and accepted, I will invite each of them to indicate a computer technician so that, on their behalf, they can control the entire system with the Club’s computer services . , as well as monitoring the voting process on Election Day.

Four. Likewise, I will also invite a representative from each of the candidates to a presentation on the entire voting procedure, that is, with regard to guaranteeing the confidentiality of the option chosen by each partner.

5. In order to guarantee the strict identification of the voters, before the vote itself, the personal accreditation of each one of them will be done through the respective membership card accompanied by a valid official document with a photograph (eg citizen card, passport, driver’s license). Indeed, voting in the different polling stations is carried out individually by each of the voters, especially because it constitutes a disciplinary offense. [artigo 28.º, alínea c) dos Estatutos] assignment for any purpose of the membership card.

6. As in the last four electoral acts, the October vote will be carried out electronically, which will guarantee greater efficiency, an agile voting and a rapid tabulation of the results.

7. Even so, so that, on the one hand, there are no doubts in the benfiquistas about the veracity and seriousness of the vote and the final results obtained, and, on the other, so that it is possible to easily count the votes in case of need, coupled, to each of the computer points where the members will vote, a device that will print the number of votes and the application voted on paper. The aforementioned paper vote will be deposited in a ballot box, thus ending the individual voting procedure.

8. In addition, it should be noted that, in all polling stations, the various contestant candidates may be represented by a delegate of the respective candidacy (up to three at headquarters), who must have the status of voting partner and appear at the headquarters. duly accredited by the Board of Trustees of the General Meeting.

9. Finally, I inform you that I am making arrangements with the Club’s media, that is, with BTV, so that airtime is granted to each of the applications submitted and accepted, so that they clarify their purposes to the members. .

Lisbon, September 4, 2020

The Chairman of the Board of the General Meeting (on site), Virgílio Duque Vieira
