Civil Protection sends curfew hours by SMS during a state of emergency


Some 15 representatives of the bailiffs have been on duty since 9 in the morning in the Assembly of the Republic, in Lisbon, to ask the Government to integrate the salary supplement and the pre-retirement regulations.

The judicial officials demand the integration of the salary supplement, the regularization of career development, that is, the filling of intermediate categories, and the regulation of early retirement.

Speaking to the Lusa agency, the president of the Union of Judicial Officials (SFJ), António Marçal, explained that the “silent vigil” takes place on the day that the Minister of Justice, Francisca Van Dunem, is heard in the Budget and Finance, in the Assembly of the Republic.

“We are here to remind you that there are still some commitments to fulfill, one of which is more than 20 years old, which is the integration of the salary supplement assumed by the minister, but not yet fulfilled,” he said.

Another issue that worries the union and that they want resolved is the lack of bailiffs in the courts.

“The Ministry of Justice has reopened some courts that closed in 2014, but in this reopening the needs of the bailiffs were not met. If we make a comparative map between the number of magistrates who serve in the courts and the officers, we see that there is a growing line in terms of magistrates and a decreasing line of officers ”, he said.

António Marçal gives the example of Sintra, which has a specialized section on domestic violence that had five prosecutors and five bailiffs.

“Currently there are nine prosecutors and the same five agents. If all the prosecutors need to take action, there are four who have to wait because they do not arrive. This situation is replicated on the south bank, in Porto, etc. ”, He emphasized.

Another pending issue, according to the union, is the aging of the career and the need for rejuvenation already expressed by the Government.

“According to data from the Ministry of Justice, by 2028 almost half of the agents will retire, that is, in the next eight years, if nothing is done, 50% of the agents will retire. Right now, the average age is over 55, ”he said.

According to António Marçal, this aging has consequences from the beginning of the health crisis that the country is experiencing with the covid-19 pandemic with the number of agents that are covered by the special protection regulations for the pathologies they have.

“Civil servants are a special body within the Public Administration that do not earn a penny from the many overtime hours they do and until 2007 had a special retirement regime that, as of 2014, ended the transitional regime itself. It means that in addition to the end of the rules, now they have this consequence of aging, “he said.

The president of the union recalled that there are around 7,200 bailiffs throughout the country and that there are about 1,300 missing in the middle categories.

“For this reason, we are here to silently remind your honorable Members and the Minister of Justice of the need for concrete measures to solve the problems that are ours, but which are also reflected in the justice that is done to citizens,” he concludes.
