Circulate a fraudulent email! Delete it now


Did you get an e-amil from PSP? Scams continue to circulate and gain momentum on the Internet. Hackers try to impersonate the most diverse entities, making victims believe that it is truthful information.

The Public Security Police today alerted to the existence of a fraudulent email requesting information on alleged complaints made by the recipients, explaining that it is not a procedure used by the authorities.

PSP: Circulate a fraudulent email!  Delete it now

PSP recently launched an email alert circulating on behalf of this police authority. The PSP explains that "it became aware, through various citizens, of the circulation of communications via e-mail, apparently from this Police, with calls to be present and / or requesting information on alleged complaints submitted by the recipients indicating a link" .

PSP warns, however, that it does not use communications that contain links, so it is oblivious to these communications and asks the people who have received or will receive this communication, not to use any of the links there because they are a plan to steal personal information.

PSP: Circulate a fraudulent email!  Delete it now

What to do with the fraudulent email received on behalf of PSP?

The Public Security Police requests that this fraudulent communication be sent as an attachment to the email [email protected] and be removed from your inbox and sent items. According to the information sent by PSP ...

It should be noted that citizens must pay attention to the content of the electronic communications they receive, even if they are apparently sent by the PSP, since there are characteristics that allow immediate doubts about the origin of the communication.

It should also be noted that the sender does not belong to the @ domain, it uses a language with grammatical and syntax errors and an unclear communication purpose.
