CIP proposes ten emergency measures for commerce, restaurants and hotels – O Jornal Económico


The CIP – Confederação Empresarial de Portugal advanced this Friday with a set of measures considered emergency and which, according to the confederation, point to the recovery of commerce, restaurants and hotels.

In a statement to which the JE had access, the CIP considers that “the measures adopted by the Government have not, so far, been sufficiently robust to leverage the economy and support companies, which are in a situation of suffocation in the face of an economic recovery that, in addition to being very slow and partial, has disappeared in the last two months ”.

CIP explains that, “at the level of the commerce and catering sectors, the situation is of special and extreme concern, with many companies already entering insolvency. We run the risk that our business fabric does not resist and that
lose a lot of the job you currently have ”.

Faced with this scenario, the CIP’s Council for Trade, Services and Consumption proposes a set of “Emergency Measures”, which it considers essential for the survival and recovery of companies in the restaurant and commercial sector:

VAT increase in cash

The CIP maintains that the expansion of the VAT regime in cash would be a measure with a high impact in terms of the companies’ cash. “As for the commercial relationship between companies, the incidence of VAT on billing is a very serious element. Specifically for the Shopping Center industry, this is a critical factor, as the remuneration received
tenants for renting the spaces they occupy generate significant amounts of taxes to pay, before receiving them “

Reduced VAT rate

Given the low turnover of companies, at present, the CIP considers that the adoption of the reduced rate of VAT -in the restaurant sector- will contribute significantly to the maintenance of the business fabric and employment, and can boost the momentum of
search. “The revision of the VAT tables should also correct unclear situations and distortions that persist in several cases,” the CIP explains in a statement.

Non-application of autonomous taxation

The CIP also advocates the creation of an exceptional regime, for the years 2020 and 2021, not to apply autonomous taxation to all types of companies, considering that they are relevant expenses and independent of the results obtained.

Tax moratorium
For the CIP, it will be relevant to apply a tax moratorium, that is, on VAT, IRC, IRS, due until September 30, 2021, related to the tax period of 2020 and 2021 or, at least, the possibility of payments in installments. without provision of
Guarantee. At the municipal level, they must exempt from payment, at least until June 30, 2021, of all municipal taxes that appear on water bills, as well as all other municipal taxes charged to companies, in proportion to the period of the period. its operation.

Reinforcement and expansion of financing lines

The CIP considers that “there is an urgent need to reinforce and extend (especially to medium-sized companies) the non-reimbursable financing lines announced for the sectors most affected by the current crisis, so that companies can face the fixed costs inherent to the
contractual responsibilities ”.

Food chain in essential sectors
In this document, the CIP maintains that “the entire food chain (production, industry and distribution), as well as hygiene products, must be included in the sectors considered essential in the applicable legislation, so that, in national emergency situations, its normal functioning is in danger ”.

Avoid rallies during opening hours.

“It is essential that restrictive measures to combat the pandemic are designed to avoid concentrations during authorized opening hours. On the contrary, in a constructive dialogue with the associations of the sectors, the adjusted operation of the commerce and the restaurants should be promoted, as well as safety / confidence campaigns directed at consumers, in order to make them aware that these spaces are safe and they comply with DGS Rules. To encourage consumption, especially in the face of the next Christmas season, it would be advantageous to carry out special campaigns to promote purchases and exchanges, following the protocol already signed between the Government and various associations ”, defends the CIP.

Increase the concentration ratio

Regarding the occupancy ratio of spaces accessible to the public, the CIP highlights that “Portugal is the country with the lowest concentration ratio per square meter, even when compared to countries with a much higher number of COVID-19 cases. to
our “. This Confederation maintains that” this concentration ratio per square meter needs to be increased, especially inside commercial premises, under the risk of generating crowds and queues outside the establishments, when all the measures are protected inside hygiene and safety and there is evidence of full compliance with all health safety standards ”.

Regulation of opening hours

“Given the severe operational restrictions to which the catering and accommodation sector is subjected, municipalities must adopt, in terms of opening hours, a uniform regulation according to the states of the pandemic in which they are, thus avoiding discrepancies between municipalities” , emphasizes the Confederation.

Eliminate the ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages

For the CIP, it is important to eliminate the ban on the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages after 8 pm, thus alleviating the heavy losses felt by the wine and beer and spirits sectors, avoiding concentrations that have occurred in a short time.
period of time at the end of the day, either at the time of purchase or consumption in an establishment ”.
