Christmas with less traffic restrictions and New Year’s Eve without a party. Costa announces measures on Saturday


The prime minister trusts the vaccination plan against Covid-19 that is being developed and will be known this Thursday, and guarantees that everything will be ready when the vaccines are available. But until then, and even after starting the vaccination, there will be restrictions until an immunization is achieved between 60% and 70% of the population. The coming times are still going to be difficult, he warns, because there is not only Christmas and New Year’s Eve, like January and February, generally very cold, when there is a confluence with the flu. Therefore, there are decisions that will be known next Saturday until January 6 or 7.

In the interview he gave this morning to Radio Observador, the Prime Minister once again mentioned that Christmas “won’t be normal”, but the idea is to have “the maximum pedagogy and the minimum of rules”, which means that at the table you are possibility that people can “move” on December 24 and 25, and that in family contacts they can “find themselves safely avoiding the risks of contagion as much as possible.” The prime minister hopes that experts can tell people “how can they have the safest Christmas possible.”

Another scenario will be New Years Eve: “It will have all the restrictions”said the prime minister. “Surely there will be no New Year’s Eve party”he added. This is because a third wave is still expected, in January / February, which may put “greater pressure on health services.”

In addition to the pandemic, the interview with Observer journalists also covered other topics such as the relationship with the left. And if until then he had freed the Left Bloc from harsher criticism, that is, omitting the BE on the issue of Novo Banco by concentrating the attacks on the PSD, regarding the position of Catarina Martins’ party in the Budget, he could not contain himself : BE thought, he said, “‘We are not available to be the only partners of the government, we are going to live troubled times. Stand alone with your unpopularity. We are going to get fresh'” now if he thought well, he did better and went to the cool“So he said,” I don’t skimp on words. “

For the prime minister, there is still a long way to go, but traces remain. Referring to the polls, which cause BE to fall, he noted: “People do not forgive opportunism”. And here he advises an examination of conscience to BE: “If you realize the seriousness of the political mistake you made …”. The people, he stressed, are “neither for theater actions nor political maneuvers such as the vote in socks with the PSD.”

Even after that, is there a way? “It’s not about forgiving or not. We have to move on,” he said.

The marks left by BE are mainly related to the party’s position in the Budget and not in Novo Banco. There, all the blame falls on Rui Rio, who was the one who “changed position.” “Dr. Rui Rio easily sets his principles”, said.

But if the Novo Banco vote is for a political debate, it is useless, he believes. “It was political bravado that it will be legally and financially inconsequential“, he said. To the extent that an Amending Budget is not even necessary:” Not necessarily, “he replied when asked if there would be an amendment. There is margin both in the provisional allocation of the Ministry of Finance and in the Resolution Fund. If it is a judicial decision, it is necessary regardless of the budget, “he said.

What is at stake is the fact that the Government admits to going to court to stop this rule of the State Budget, an intention given by João Leão, Minister of Finance. Several constitutionalists considered the measure unconstitutional.
