China: laboratory lets brucellosis bacteria escape and infects more than 10,000 people


COVID-19 is still slowing down and there is another problem reported in China related to a disease. According to Chinese authorities, more than 10,500 people contracted brucellosis, an animal disease, after the bacteria “escaped” from a biopharmaceutical laboratory.

The case took place in northwest China, in the city of Lanzhou, capital of Gansu province.

Image of China's brucellosis bacteria that escaped from a lab

About a year ago, Chinese health authorities detected a man with a mysterious illness. The patient was admitted to hospital in Wuhan, the capital of central China's province. In just over 3 months a pandemic was declared in the world, which today has already claimed millions of victims.

Now, the city of Lanzhou has detected about 10,528 people who have contracted brucellosis, an animal disease. As the authorities said, quoted by the official newspaper "Global Times", the bacterium will have escaped from a biopharmaceutical laboratory.

At the moment, the authorities have evaluated a total of 79,357 inhabitants. To date, 1604 people have been treated for the disease.

Image of the Chinese city of Lanzhou

Carelessness, negligence, or bad luck?

According to what is broadcast, a public laboratory in the city will have used an expired disinfectant in the summer of 2019 in the production of anti-brucellosis vaccines for animals. As a result, sterilization was incomplete and bacteria were still present in the gas emissions of the company, the Lanzhou Biopharmaceutical Unit.

The contaminated gas was expelled through the chimneys of the laboratory, which quickly spread through the air. A few months after the event, at the Veterinary Research Institute, almost 200 people were infected in December of the same year. According to the authorities, the patients will be compensated and the authorization to produce vaccines against brucellosis has been withdrawn from the laboratory.

Brucellosis is a disease transmitted by livestock or animal products. The symptoms caused by this disease are fever, fatigue, night sweats, anorexia, headaches, back and joints, which can lead to liver damage. These symptoms can last for weeks or months. Despite its low mortality, the disease can progress to a chronic state. The duration of the disease changes according to the duration of the prevalence of symptoms.
