China detects coronavirus again in frozen meat from Brazil


An analysis carried out in Wuhan on a package of frozen meat imported from Brazil was positive for the new coronavirus, reported the Health Commission of that Chinese city, where the first cases of covid-19 were detected.

The commission informed the local office in charge of disease control and prevention on Friday after analyzing the packaging. The three samples of beef entered the country through Qingdao Customs in northeast China.

The city “quickly adopted emergency measures,” the same note reads, including storing the cargo and testing and isolating personnel who had contact with the packaging.

The samples were part of a total of 27 tons of meat imported from Brazil. The meat left the port of Santos and arrived in Wuhan on August 17, but had not yet been traded.

“All the frozen products involved have been sealed and the environment has been completely sterilized,” the local Health Commission said.

The agency urged citizens not to buy imported frozen food outside of retail chains and to actively verify the product’s test report before consumption.

It is not the first time that China claims to have detected traces of the new coronavirus in frozen food packaging from Brazil.

In November, officials said they detected the new coronavirus in the packaging of a batch of frozen pork in Yantai city, Shandong province.

Traces of the new coronavirus were also found on August 13 on the surface of packages containing frozen chicken wings from the South American country, in the city of Shenzhen, next to Hong Kong.

China accounted for 40% of Brazilian agricultural exports in the first half of this year, a record value of $ 20.5 billion (€ 17.3 billion), according to data from the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture.
