Children survive home alone for three days with dead parents in the bedroom


Police found two children alive after spending three days alone at home, with their parents dead in the bedroom. According to officials at the Bolshoye Kuzymokino in Russia, Alexander and Viktoria Yakunin, aged 20 and 25, died “after eating poisoned pickles.”

The five-year-old girl and one-year-old boy, the couple’s children, were discovered by family members, who were surprised by the absence of Alexander, Viktoria and the children at a family gathering. They called the couple’s home and attended to their daughter. He said that the parents “had been sleeping for a long time” and that the father “had a strange color.”

Viktoria’s sister Natalia immediately went to the family home and found the couple dead in bed. He called the authorities who immediately began to investigate the case.

According to what has been found so far, Alejandro received a jar of homemade pickles from his grandmother. The gift would have been poisoned with botulinum toxin, unbeknownst to the old woman, and would have killed the case. The bottle was found open in the kitchen and the couple had traces of the product on their stomach.

The toxic substance will have caused respiratory failure and culminated in a tragic death.
