Children from 6 years old will wear masks in Madeira


José Manuel Rodrigues exalted on Tuesday afternoon the two changes introduced in the adaptation to the Region of the national diploma, one of them being the obligation that children wear masks from the age of six, while the national law only contemplates the From 10 years. The proposal will be voted on tomorrow in ALRAM.

The Party Representatives Conference scheduled for tomorrow the discussion of the ‘Proposal for a Regional Legislative Decree that adapts and regulates in the Autonomous Region of Madeira the rules for the transitory imposition of the mandatory use of a mask for access, circulation or permanence in spaces closed or local. of access and public roads, provided for in Law No. 62-A / 2020, of October 27 ‘.

The president of the Legislative Assembly of Madeira explained, at the end of the meeting, that the proposed Legislative Decree, presented by the Regional Government, has two changes in relation to the national law. “While in the continental space only children from 10 years old must wear a mask, in the case of the Autonomous Region of Madeira it is from 6 years old”, clarifies José Manuel Rodrigues. This change “takes into account our population density, the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) and also the fact that we already have some positive cases in children, in some schools in the Region,” he said.

As a second amendment, once approved, the Legislative Decree is valid for one month “while at the national level it is valid for 70 days,” and it is likely to be extended if the pandemic situation does not change, “said José Manuel Rodrigues.

“Parliament decided that this process is very urgent. The Committee on Health and Social Affairs debated it this morning. It will be analyzed tomorrow and voted in plenary session, and will be sent to the Representative of the Republic, for the purposes of assessing legality and constitutionality and its promulgation, at the end of the afternoon ”, clarified the President of the Republic. Legislative Assembly of Madeira.
