Chega proposes to reopen hairdressers and barber shops on February 22


Chega delivered a draft resolution to Parliament on Wednesday to recommend to the Government the reopening of hairdressers, barber shops and manicures as of February 22.

The document to which Lusa had access urges the minority socialist executive to “promote the reopening of hairdressers and barbers, which includes manicure professionals, as of February 22” and “develop a set of measures that must be met in the realization of this reopening “. “.

Among these measures, the far-right parliamentary party included: “Distance between the professional and the client and between the clients themselves, clients may only travel to places by appointment, and attendance is prohibited for those who do not have a prior appointment, mandatory opening of windows and doors to guarantee air renewal, prohibition of customers waiting their turn to enter “and” mandatory use of a mask and hand hygiene. “

The resigned president of the populist party and sole deputy, André Ventura, justifies the initiative because this sector of activity is one of the “most affected by this new confinement”, having warned “several associations” of the “closure of more than 50%”. of these establishments “if the current restrictions are maintained until the end of March.

“We must not forget that hairdressers and barbers are mostly family businesses that, in many cases, have their only livelihood in these small businesses,” it also read.
