“Chef” Ljubomir Stanisic hospitalized after six days on hunger strike | Protest


OR chef Ljubomir Stanisic, one of the best-known faces in the “Survive on Bread and Water” Movement, was rushed to hospital on Wednesday after the sixth day of the hunger strike. The news was advanced by TVI and TSF, who explained that the chef do 100 shapes I felt bad during the afternoon. Although Stanisic received assistance in the vicinity of the Assembly of the Republic, he ended up having to be transferred to a hospital.

Contacted by PUBLIC, a spokesman for the National Institute of Medical Emergencies (INEM) confirmed that one of the protesters of the movement (whose identity they do not confirm) was transported to the Hospital Santa María, in Lisbon, and that “a clarification would be published”. social about the situation.

The case will have been detected during the visit of a team of psychologists to the place. “The INEM preventively deployed a mobile emergency psychological intervention unit [equipa de psicólogos e técnico de emergência pré-hospitalar] to assess the possible need for psychological care of the protesters ”, explains a source from INEM to PUBLIC. “At the scene, the INEM team identified a protester with signs and symptoms that merited an urgent medical evaluation, and an ambulance and an emergency and resuscitation medical vehicle were mobilized.”

According to the news from TSF, it was an episode of hypoglycemia, a situation that occurs when the value of glucose (sugar) in the blood falls below 70 mg / dl. Ljubomir would have blood glucose values ​​between 20 and 30 mg / dl.

Quoted by TSF, José Gouveia, one of the leaders of the Movement “Surviving bread and water”, points out that the group needed to request medical assistance because Stanisic “was very fragile” and “did not respond in conditions.” “We felt that it could be something serious and we called the INEM. Blood glucose levels were very low, ”explains Gouveia, admitting that his own blood glucose levels were around 20 mg / dl.

In a conversation with PUBLIC on Monday, Stanisic admitted feeling a “breakdown of tension” and “a lot of hunger”, but that it was not weakness or exhaustion that was going to stop him. “This does not move anyone. I was in Yugoslavia during the war and I was going through a lot of hunger and this is not the one that is going to sink me ”, he emphasized.

The government says it is available to meet

The Government stressed this Wednesday that “it is false” that it has refused to receive the demonstrators of the Movement “Survive on Bread and Water” and that “it is false that the restaurant and nightlife sectors do not have substantial support.” lost”.

In a press release, the office of the Ministry of Economy and Digital Transition recalls that “1,103 million euros have already been made available to support catering companies, of which 523 million euros are non-refundable” and that the On November 18, a meeting was held between the National Association of Clubs, the Secretary of State for Tourism and the Secretary of State for Commerce, Services and Consumer Protection (SECSDC).

Also, on December 1, in an email addressed to Mr. José Gouveia [um dos empresários a participar no protesto em frente à Assembleia da República], the SECSDC’s disposition to meet again this Thursday was reiterated, ”reads the note in the office of Minister Pedro Siza Vieira.

The Government, however, expresses its concern about the “continuation of the hunger strike” and says that it will continue the dialogue with representatives of the different sectors most affected by the measures to protect public health.

The “Surviving Bread and Water” Movement has set up tents in front of the Assembly of the Republic for six days, with the participants (ten businessmen from the Portuguese restaurant sector) refusing to eat until the Government presents new aid measures. restoration.
