Charlie Hebdo. Top suspect admits gun attack in former newsroom


The main suspect confessed that the target of the attack was the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo. The information was provided by a source from France Info and confirmed by RTP.

Although the location of the current newsroom is secret, the 18-year-old Pakistani boy chose this site because it is symbolic and because the drawings were republished. who satirized the prophet Muhammad. Now the author’s questioning continues.

A second suspect arrested Friday at a subway station for alleged links to the crime was released. After checking all the evidence and listening to several people, investigators concluded that the 33-year-old Algerian had only witnessed the attack.

The main suspect He arrived in France three years ago, as an unaccompanied minor, and was later handed over to Social Security. He lived in a state residence until August, when he came of age.

During the interrogation, the young man will have shown anger at the reissue of cartoons by Charlie Hebdo, according to the source consulted by RTP.

Other sources linked to the investigation reported that this main suspect, who claims to have been born in Pakistan, “assumed responsibility for his act, placing it in the context of the reissue of cartoons [do profeta Maomé pelo jornal], something that I couldn’t bear “.

“It was clearly an act of terrorism”

Almost six years after the attack that left 12 dead in the Charlie Hedbo newsroom, the building where the newsroom was located on the outskirts of Paris, was once again the scene of an alleged attack.

The victims – a man and a woman – who are not in danger of death, are two journalists from the television production company Premieres Lignes., which occupied the former Charlie Hebdo offices in 2015 after the January attack. At that time, the Hebdo team emptied the offices and now works from a secret location.

This time the main suspect, who has now admitted to the crime, is an 18-year-old Pakistani man who was arrested near the scene of the attack. Six other people related to this young man were also detained for questioning. The stabbings occurred after the Charlie Hebdo newspaper republished cartoons with the prophet Muhammad.

“It was clearly an act of Islamist terrorism,” said French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin, who also pointed to flaws in the security forces. The government official believes that the police underestimated the threat level in that area, at a time when the 2015 attacks were being judged.

The mayor of the police justified the decision not to reinforce security in the old newsroom on the grounds that there were no signs of a concrete threat in the vicinity of the building.

However, the French National Antiterrorist Prosecutor’s Office (PNAT) opened an investigation, pointing to the place of the attack and the time when it occurred as key factors in the alleged terrorist act.
Increased security in synagogues

In an interview with France 2 on Friday night, the French Interior Minister called the stabbings “a new bloody attack against our country, against journalists”.

“It was on the street where the Charlie Hebdo newsroom used to be. This is how Islamic terrorists operate ”, he declared, adding that he had ordered Reinforcing the presence of security forces in synagogues this weekend for Yom Kippur, the holiest day on the Jewish calendar.

Also according to Gérald Darmanin, the main suspect, aged 18, arrived in France three years ago as an “unaccompanied minor” of Pakistani nationality And although he was previously arrested for carrying a melee weapon, he was not recognized as a supporter of the self-proclaimed Islamic State.

Trials of 14 people accused of helping two jihadists continue during the 2015 attack, which claimed 12 lives. To mark the start of the trials, the Charlie Hebdo newsroom republished the cartoons that led to the fatal episode five years ago, which merited a renewed threat from the extremist group Al-Qaeda.

The satirical newspaper’s head of human resources said this week that she had left her home after receiving death threats.
