Cereja do Fundão will go to two clients in all parts of the country – O Jornal Economico


O Fundão will launch a cherry delivery service directly to the customer, which will open up all or country and which aims to minimize the impacts that covid-19 posas ter nos markets, foi leaf announced.

“We want to guarantee that there is no one who can receive your cherries, even if you are at home. Ou seja, each um will be able to receive his cherries sem sair de casa “, apontou hoje or president of the Câmara do Fundão, Paulo Fernandes, at the press conference.

As you entrust you can be feitas through email, loja ‘online’, social networks and a telephone line, starting from a minimum limit of two kilograms.

A bet and dynamized no scope of the promotion campaign for 2020, which counts with a 70 thousand euros organization and which is arranged and co-financed between Câmara do Fundão and the advisory council that was created to manage the Protected Geographical Indications (IGP) “Cereja do Fundão ”, it was recently attributed by União Europeia.

Due to a pandemic situation, this year the campaign will be essentially based on digital marketing and will count as some online, as well as promoting two short markets, highlighting the delivery directly to two consumers.

This distribution will be made by own means of transport and a specific service two CTT, being that the expedition will be made on specific days to guarantee a faster delivery and to the quality and freshness of the product.

Specifying that the shipping costs will not be included in the final price and that the client will always know how to order the amount or value to pay, Paulo Fernandes said that there may be slight variations from one week to the next, but that he will try to establish himself forever. “Fair price”.

Secondly, foi ainda is established a direct delivery channel to a network of more than 40 Lisbon merchants, in order to accompany the trend of return to the local markets and markets.

A distribution ceremony for cherries in cantinas de hospitais nacionais is also scheduled, which will be held on June 10 and will open the three health units of Beira Interior (Guarda, Covilhã e Castelo Branco) and sete hospitais apontados pela Direção Geral da Saúde as the first line units do not fight at covid-19.

“It will be a way of maintaining one of those characteristics that are characteristic of distribution and we will honor the proffession that is in the first line of combat,” said the author of this municipality in the Castelo Branco district.

Outra das ações predicdas é a realização de um leilão ‘online’, which is marked for the 6th of February and will symbolically mark the beginning of the campaign this year.

The program also includes an initiative “#conversas com cerejas”, with personalities that have a great reputation and a high number of followers in the social network promoting Instagram conversations, whose main theme will be “Cereja do Fundão”.

“São ações que podem ter or potential to pay hundreds of thousands of people,” said Paulo Fernandes.

They have been marked with Filipa Gomes and Gisela João (May 20), with Ana Galvão, Joana Marques and Carla Rocha (21), with António Raminhos and Catarina Raminhos (22), and with Ana Bacalhau and Rita Redshoes (23).

Já nos dias 28 e 29 haverá um ‘livecooking online’ as chef Martinho Moniz.

During the press conference, Paulo Fernandes also expressed great concern about the bankruptcies that this year will be registered, due to adverse weather conditions and a current estimate of a loss of 70%.
