Centeno não accelerates IRS refunds despite crise


A Autoridade Tributária (AT) já processou “six hundredths and thirties and three milhões de euros de liquidações that gives direct to reimbursement” of IRS, affirms Mário Centeno in interview with TSF.

O minister das finanças confirms that in the IRS campaign this year, during which delivery period is from the beginning of April, “on our first days we have had a number greater than the homologous period, but at this moment we have fewer declarations delivered than not last year.”

O Minister das Finanças states that “this year we have smaller refunds because withholding taxes have not been for a long time since they have been reduced in scope, not in the area of ​​IRS reform, and therefore this year we are going to have less volume of refunds” and we are afraid that we will have when we compare the values ​​in euros “.

How much at the rate of two reimbursements – that either CDS demands to be more fast – or the guarantor that AT is to “use the same parents two years prior” and admits that it did not start the campaign “some difficulty due to teleworking, I tied because or number of declarations that we entered was much higher than last year “more guarantor than in the meantime” isso alterou at this time we are not walking right “.

Interview with Mário Centeno conducted by Anselmo Crespo
