Cecília Meireles challenged to leave Parliament to make way for Francisco Rodrigues dos Santos – Observer


Echoes of the CDS national council continue, which took place on Saturday in a climate of civil war. After criticizing the party’s leadership, Cecília Meireles, a deputy and former deputy of Assunção Cristas, was challenged to leave her post in Parliament.

The challenge was left by Raúl Almeida, vice president of Francisco Rodrigues dos Santos. Exasperated by the criticism of Cecília Meireles, the former deputy suggested that the Christian Democrat should cede the seat to the current leader of the party, who was number two in the Porto constituency. The departure of Cecília Meireles from Parliament would have as a direct consequence the entry of Rodrigues dos Santos into Parliament.

Raúl Almeida is vice president of the CDS and is an ally of Filipe Lobo d’Ávila, who is also vice president of the party and instrumental in guaranteeing Rodrigues dos Santos the majority in the last CDS congress. The two are part of the group ‘Together for the future’ and obtained around 15% of the votes in the last elections.

In her speech, as the Observer used to say, Cecília Meireles demanded “respect” from the party leadership, said that there were “limits to everything” and accused Franscisco Rodrigues dos Santos of doing nothing to stop André Ventura. “The problem is getting worse. [André Ventura] Gala to get rid of all of us through our party president and I want to fight this. But we need to have a strategy. “

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Now, Raúl Almeida did not like the criticism and challenged Cecília Meireles to leave office to make way for Rodrigues dos Santos. In response, Telmo Correia, CDS parliamentary leader, left a threat: “It is good that the councilor or whoever is responsible for the leadership of the party does not enter there. It is a red line ”. As for Cecília Meireles, she recorded the words of Raúl Almeida and left a promise: she will not be “still” again.

At the end of a national council that lasted almost 20 hours, Francisco Rodrigues dos Santos called for party unity and guaranteed that he has total confidence in the group of CDS deputies. But the party is more divided than ever.
