CDS with “fund reserves” on mandatory mask use and Stayaway Covid app – Observer


The CDS-PP expressed this Wednesday “reserves of funds” in relation to the Government’s proposal to make the use of a mask mandatory on public roads and the use of the ‘StayAway Covid’ application in school and work contexts.

“Regarding the use of the mask in a public space, our concern has to do with the formulation in which it will be done. It is essential that the criteria be clear, to identify exactly in which circumstances the mask is necessary and mandatory“So that” people can comply “and” leave no room for all kinds of misunderstandings and difficulties with the population, “centrist deputy Ana Rita Bessa said in a statement to journalists at the Assembly of the Republic in Lisbon.

Regarding the mandatory use of the application “StayAway Covid”, an application for mobile phones created to alert those who have been close to a person infected with Covid-19, the CDS has “background reservations” and highlights that “legally it is very difficult to force people” to use an application “that monitor their behaviors ”.

Ana Rita Bessa pointed out that “the application was created, designed and advertised as an application for voluntary use, the entire process of ‘downloading’ the ‘app’, connecting via ‘bluetooth’, uploading the code is voluntary” and “It raised serious legal problems to exist as it is”.

“Therefore, it seems to us legally very complicated that it can be mandatory, it seems to us technically very difficult to do so and in practical terms also very complicated, because that would imply that everyone had a device capable of supporting the ‘app’, which is not exactly the case ”, he defended.

The CDS deputy asked for a “very serious assessment” of this intention, which “is very worrying about what individual freedoms are,” claiming that “It is not entirely clear that it can be considered mandatory”.

“Even in favor of the common good, we understand that it must be evaluated very, very carefully,” he insisted, stating that the centrists identify “serious problems” of constitutionality in this matter.

Prime Minister António Costa announced this Wednesday that the Government will present to Parliament a proposal to make the use of a mask mandatory on public roads and the use of the StayAway Covid application in work and school contexts.

At a press conference after the Council of Ministers in which it was decided to raise the national territory to a situation of calamity due to the pandemic, António Costa announced a set of measures.

In the opinion of the CDS, “there are more effective measures to control the pandemic”, namely “to remove the pressure on the National Health Service.” (SNS), contracting with the private and social sector for the provision of health services. On this issue, the party addressed a question to the Minister of Health, Marta Temido.

“We find it very difficult to explain that, without first considering the capacity that the health system still has to use, from the private and social, measures that interfere in our lives are aggravated to some extent by not looking for solutions that alleviate the pressure on hospitalizations in the NHS, whether or not Covid Covid ”, defended Ana Rita Bessa, considering that this should have been“ the first step to take ”.

Asked by journalists if the CDS has been informed of the evolution of the pandemic, as happened in the Infarmed meetings, Ana Rita Bessa replied that the party “has no knowledge beyond what is public” that allows “understanding on what it is based . Government ”to raise the alert level and intensify measures to combat the pandemic.

The MP also defended that the “Ability to track and conduct epidemiological surveys” that are done “in time, to contain outbreaks when they occur”, mentioning that the party received “numerous complaints” from citizens who were contacted by public health entities “10 days after having tested positive”, instead of “the three days which is the recommended practice.”
