CDS regrets the “completely erased” posters outside the Festa do Avante. – Present


“Jerónimo de Sousa should be more concerned about the vandalism that was practiced outside the Festa do Avante !, where there were posters of two youth political structures that were completely razed,” said Francisco Rodrigues dos Santos, on the sidelines of a visit to 54th Edition of Capital do Móvel – Furniture and Decoration Fair – Paços de Ferreira Business Association, which takes place in Alfândega do Porto.

According to the CDS leader, a Popular Youth poster was destroyed, which clearly reflected the incongruities of the Avante! at a time when sacrifices are asked of the Portuguese.

The other case was that of a JSD poster that was given a “disappearance” and that “completely disappeared from the scene.”

According to Francisco Rodrigues dos Santos, the report of the General Health Directorate (DGS) made “clear the imminent risk to public health” with the celebration of the Festa do Avante!

“In all the meetings we had with Infarmed, the recommendations of the Public Health specialists were to avoid the events of transmission by covid-19. And it is evident to all of us that Avante! it continued, when there were big events, even big fairs, that are not regulated and it is not possible to return to their activities, as happens with some parties ”.

For the leader of the CDS, it seems that for the Government of António Costa and for the DGS, “for friends anything can happen and for those who are not friends the law is applied with all its harshness and with its more coercive force.” ruthless. ruthless. “

The 44th political-cultural party of the PCP, known as ¡Festa do Avante !, took place between Friday and last Sunday, in Seixal, despite criticism due to the pandemic context, but limited to one sixth of daily visitors (16,500 people) in seated audiences.
