CDS leader criticizes “contradictions” on vaccines between Marta Temido and Graça Freitas – O Jornal Economico


The president of the CDS insisted today that the government “fails” in the fight against covid-19 and pointed out contradictions in the distribution of the flu vaccine between Minister Marta Temido and the general director of Health, Graça Freitas.

In a note sent to the media, Francisco Rodrigues dos Santos affirms that, within 25 days, Marta Temido affirmed that “there will be no shortage of flu vaccines”, while Graça Freitas, in an interview with the Lusa agency, said that it was “obvious That “Some people will run out of vaccines.”

“What is obvious is that this government has failed, continues to fail and contradicts itself every day. Under the baton of militant incompetence and chronic lack of planning, we broke tragic records of infections and deaths, and saw the exhaustion of the National Health Service (NHS) due to ideological bias in hiring responses, on time and with the social sector . and health in particular ”, accused the president of the CDS.

Francisco Rodrigues dos Santos later warned that “exchanges and baldrocas of the Minister of Health or the Director General of Health are very expensive.”

“But the one who wanted to keep them as generals in this war, who gave up doing more and better, over time, the one who knew the risks he was running during such a long time of inaction was the Prime Minister. [António Costa]. There is no point in inventing scapegoats, added the CDS president.
