Cavaco, Passos and D. Manuel Clemente defend the conscientious objection of parents who do not want children in the Education for Citizenship classes – Obse …


A petition in favor of respecting the Conscientious objection of parents who do not want their children to attend the Education for Citizenship and Development (ECD) school discipline United about 100 personalities between the right and conservative sectors, like the former president Aníbal Cavaco Silva, the former Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho or the Cardinal Patriarch of Lisbon, D. Manuel Clemente.

The petition is a consequence of the case of the 12 and 14-year-old brothers from Vila Nova de Famalicão, who were initially prevented from passing to the 7th and 9th grade, respectively, for not having attended the DPI classes of the Camilo Castelo Branco School Association, by decision of his parents.

The honor roll students who failed. 17 answers to understand the case of the Famalicão school

The children in question did not attend any class in that discipline. (where issues such as human rights, gender equality, sexuality, the media or the world of work are discussed) in sixth and eighth grade, respectively. Initially, the Class Council ended up approving the students. However, this decision was later reversed as failing to fail the students was understood to violate the law as they had not attended any ECD class. The tutors of the two students were also proposed to attend a discipline recovery plan, a hypothesis that the parents rejected.

Faced with this refusal, and maintaining leadership in the discipline of ECD without being in class, the school failed the two students retroactively, forcing them to begin the 2020-21 school year in grades 6 and 8, respectively, although they have already progressed to 7 and 9. Since then, this decision has been suspended by the Administrative and Fiscal Court of Braga., who accepted a precautionary measure filed by the parents of those two students.

However, this most recent result has not eliminated the nearly 100 signatories of one petition. launched by the professors of the Catholic University Manuel Braga da Cruz and Mário Pinto, the latter a member of the Constituent Assembly of 1976 by the PSD.

The undersigned says that it is “imperative that public education policies in Portugal always scrupulously respect, in this case and in all other similar cases, the priority of the right and duty of mothers and fathers to choose ‘gender’. education to give their children ‘, as expressly expressed in these words, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights“. The undersigned also cites various articles from the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic, including article 43, which says that “The State cannot program education and culture according to philosophical, aesthetic, political, ideological or religious guidelines.”

Among the subscribers, the one who occupied the first positions was the former prime minister and also former President of the Republic Aníbal Cavaco Silva. Apart from the current president of the Republic, there is the name of the lawyer and historian António Araújo, who is an advisor to Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa.

Another former prime minister present is Pedro Passos Coelho, who is accompanied on that list by other personalities led by him in the Government. This is the case of the former chancellor Rui Machete, in addition to the former Undersecretary of State and Parliamentary Affairs Pedro Race and the former social democratic deputy Miguel Morgado, who was a political advisor to Pedro Passos Coelho.

Also from PSD, but far from the sphere of passism, there are people like the former finance minister and the former party president Manuela Ferreira Leite, as the former Minister of Education and former President of the National Council of Education, David justino, who is currently vice president of PSD.

More to the right CDS, names like the former Minister of Overseas and former centrist president Adriano Moreira, former President José Ribeiro e Castro and also former Minister of Finance António Bagão Félix.

On the left, just one name: the deputy Sérgio Sousa Pinto.

There are also names of the Catholic Church: the Bishop of Aveiro, D. António Moiteiro is he Cardinal Patriarch of Lisbon, D. Manuel Clemente.

The honor roll students who failed. 17 answers to understand the case of the Famalicão school
