Catholic seeks sponsor for medicine course, which “will be expensive” – ​​Observer


The tuition fee for the new course in Catholic Medicine has not yet been fully defined, but the rector of the university acknowledges that “it will be expensive”. Isabel Capeloa Gil told Radio Observer on Thursday that the high cost of medical training “has to be reversed, in some way, in tuition,” but assures that she will seek sponsors to try to lower the value, that is, through scholarships. merit and social support for students in situations of fragility.

“The value is being studied, we are going to make some adjustments, because we don’t want to have an inflated bribe. You have to cover the real costs of a medical course ”, which usually costs 100,000 euros per student in public education and will not be very different in the case of the Catholic course, admits the dean.

Does this mean that, in a 6-year course, the fee will be 17 thousand euros per year? Isabel Capeloa Gil does not commit to a security, but guarantees that it will be “less” than this amount. It will be “safe” the most expensive Catholic course, because “training is more expensive,” he acknowledges.

Medicine in the Catholic: “To say that the Government yielded to political pressure is to go beyond the evaluation process”

Although the admission process to the Catholic course is “identical to that of public universities”, having the students’ marks a preponderant weight, Isabel Capeloa Gil reveals that Candidates for the course will have to undergo an interview that “will test relational skills”, which is worth 15% of the final weight.. It is essential to still have a qualification certificate in English, because that is the language in which the course will be taught.

With the start scheduled for September 2021, the course was designed for 100 vacancies, but the Agency for Evaluation and Accreditation of Higher Education imposed that in the first year it should start with a maximum of 50 students. Vacancies will increase in subsequent years, if the license is renewed at the end of the first year. “We will start around 50 and then go up to 100That is why the capacity for Catholic formation is installed ”, says the dean.

Asked about the criticisms that were made after the approval of the course by the Agency for Evaluation and Accreditation of Higher Education, Isabel Capeloa Gil considers that there was “a set of speeches and narratives that came out to the public that are irrational ”.

New Catholic Medicine Course Limited to 50 Students

The Council of the Faculties of Medicine of Portugal accused the Government of giving in to political pressure to authorize the opening of the medical course at the Catholic University, but the dean of the UCP rejects it. “I understand the position of the Council of Medical Schools, which protects a certain status quo”. “There is a question of protectionism model of profession and training ”, he guarantees.

“To say that the Government yielded to political pressure is to go beyond what the evaluation process is, because the agency [de avaliação e acreditação do Ensino Superior] it is independent of the Government ”, guarantees Isabel Capeloa Gil.

The position of the Council of Schools of Medicine “assumes that the Portuguese Catholic University has an extraordinary political force”Considers the dean. “Putting political pressure on the government is unprecedented”.

Regarding the position expressed by the Order of Doctors, Isabel Capeloa Gil says that “there is no record in the creation of medical courses in Portugal of positive opinions” of the Order of Doctors. “He never gave a positive opinion to the creation of new medical schools.. So I wouldn’t do it now. ” But the dean notes differences in relation to the opinion on the first proposal: “It is neither positive nor negative” this time.

The dean, who considers the decision as “historic”, as it is the first non-state medicine course in Portugal, says that, contrary to the assessment made to the first proposal of the Catholic University – in which “political arguments” were used – now the analysis of the agency responsible for accreditation “is limited to the academic, curricular, scientific and clinical aspects of the proposal.” An evolution that he sees as normal, taking into account that the accreditation processes “are dynamic”.
