Catarina Martins says that BE did not have an “intransigent position” in the negotiations of OE2021 – O Jornal Económico


The coordinator of the Left Bloc (BE), Catarina Martins, stressed this Monday that the party was not “intransigent” during the negotiations with the Government for the State Budget 2021 and stressed that it will present the same measures “why it has been fighting” in the specialty debate.

Catarina Martins, in an interview with TVI, dismissed the idea of ​​altering BE’s sense of vote against the OE2021 proposal, in general, if other parties and left-wing deputies, who will abstain -making the Executive’s proposal viable-, change.

“Clarity about what we think of the Budget is very important and that is why BE cannot commit to a Budget that makes the NHS for the year more fragile and that there is less social protection when the country needs more” Said the coordinator of the party.

Catarina Martins highlighted that, in the debate on the subject, BE “will present the measures for which it has been fighting until now: so that whoever lost everything in the crisis has support, so that the SNS works, so that the country can respond” .

During the negotiations with the Government on the OE2021 proposal, the blockade leader defended that “BE did not have an intransigent position” and explained why it cannot compromise with the Executive’s proposal, presented by the Minister of Finance, João Leão.

In addition to the divergences in health that separate the Executive from the BE, Catarina Martins says that “it is not understood that the PS does not accept such small and fundamental measures as ending the cheap dismissal, which has been the shame of so many workers, when the El PS himself was against this measure when it was approved at the time of the troika. Do you know what the budgetary impact of this measure is? Zero”.

Another divergence that separates the Government from the BE is related to the possibility that companies supported by the State cannot carry out layoffs, which was an initiative of the BE.

The government has come close to the blockers’ claim. But, according to Catarina Martins, not enough, to the point of having mentioned this afternoon that “the Government has not accepted that companies that have state support cannot fire them.”

And he explained to me. “For two reasons: the limitations on dismissal are in very specific types of support – that is, dismissal and the like or access to credit – and, on the other hand, even in companies where such limitation exists, it only protects a part of the workers , the precarious do not have any type of protection ”.
