Catarina Martins considers that Centeno’s performance is “worrying” and insists on a proposal to be the RA to authorize loans to Novo Banco & nda …


The leader of the Left Bloc considers “worrying“That the Minister of Finance, Mário Centeno, authorized a loan of 850 million euros to Novo Banco without informing the Prime Minister and”unacceptable”That this injection of the Resolution Fund was made before the bank’s audit was completed. In an interview with TSF, Catarina Martins revealed that the Left Bloc will return to Parliament a proposal, which it had already presented in the State Budget for 2020, which imposes a “rule that any injection into Novo Banco must be previously approved by Parliament

The first time the Left Bloc tried to approve this proposal, it ended up failing the PSD votes against. However, the Social Democrats presented a proposal in which loans of more than 850 million euros had to be approved. Now, that is precisely the amount that has now been transferred. “Now I see how the PSD is shocked, but you have a chance to review its position.“Says Catarina Martins, who hopes the Social Democrats will approve the rule this time. And adds:” We cannot receive injections like this that even the prime minister did not know about. “

The leader of the blockade says that she believes in the prime minister’s word and has also tried to devalue the work of Mário Centeno at the head of the Ministry of Finance, saying that “if public accounts improve, the economy should be much better for international reasons and for measures taken in the country. ” He added: “In the Block we prefer the long-term balance of public accounts (…) and the fact that Mário Centeno has [abrandado] The investment has led us to be less prepared in this crisis. “

In the same interview, Catarina Martins said that PS “will be tempted“To join the right to approve the supplementary budget, but says that the Left Bloc will be available to negotiate on the left:” It will not be due to BE’s lack of availability that the PS will look to the right to obtain the majority it needs ” Catarina Martins cautions, however, that in some circumstances the “PS has preferred the PSD”.

Regarding TAP, Catarina Martins points out that the “Government has given mixed signals.” The leader of the blockade says that “the right wants the state to inject as much money as possible into private companies, but not send anything.” Now, for Catarina Martins, “if it is the State that must pay, it must be the State that must govern”. During the last crisis, recalls the leader of the blockade, the lesson was learned that you cannot “nationalize losses and then privatize profits.” And warns: “Portugal cannot be without TAP

Catarina Martins has no doubt that the Festa do Avante! it is a “political action”, but it is also “a festival” and, therefore, “everyone recognizes Avante as a great party, a great festival”. As for whether it will take place or not, the leader of the blockade says that she has “difficulties in understanding who already knows what the first weekend of September will be like today.” And then leave a tip: “In this question, as in all the others, it is necessary to follow science.

Regarding the growth of Chega by André Ventura, Catarina Martins says that “there is a phenomenon” of populism “throughout Europe” and that “Chega appears to be replacing CDS space“The BE leader says that” when there is precariousness, despair is great, “which facilitates” the populist discourse that pits the poor against the miserable. “Ventura’s discourse, Catarina Martins warns, is” a discourse that Europe knows this very well and that led to World War II. “
