Castelo Branco reacts with offenses to the young man who accuses him of ‘plagiarizing’ photos


JOsé Castelo Branco was at the center of the controversy this week after young Rafael Balloon, a former competitor of RTP1’s talent show “La Banda”, after using his social networks to report that the famous socialite had used his show without authorization.

Upon seeing the publication in question, the young man tried to speak to the ‘count’ in order to identify him in the photograph, but ended up blocked and without the credits he intended.

Before the controversy that generated the case in the pink press, José Castelo Branco reacted on his social networks.

“(…) She participated in ‘The Voice’, which was even kicked, because she doesn’t even have little voice“he begins by saying, referring to the young man as” the creature “.

“(…) He says he made a montage of the Eiffel Tower with Big Ben and says I published it, so the fagot says he has copyright. (…) You are a silly fagot, I just know what it means , refrain, “he added.

View the video in the gallery.

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