Cases of Covid-19 omitted, tests on the floor of the corridors and rain in the pavilion, denounce FLUL students – Society


Students from the Faculty of Arts of the University of Lisbon made a public request to complain about the conditions of the educational institution, reporting that the required standards are not being properly met at a crucial stage during the Covid-19 pandemic.

These are cases of coronavirus of which they claim not to be informed (point 3), the holes in the floor and cracks in the ceiling of one of the pavilions of the Faculty that make it rain inside (point 4) or even have to finish tests. in the corridors of the institution (section 2.e).

“We, the undersigned, have shown our dissatisfaction with the situation currently being experienced by students of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Lisbon, as a result of the measures taken in the scope of Cov-id19,” it reads.

The students who consider themselves injured and responsible for the initiative initiate the petition reinforcing that since the beginning of the semester, several students have shown high concern about the risk of contagion, requesting the implementation of measures that guarantee the safety of all. However, according to them, said solutions were “insufficient” and unsatisfactory “, due to the following points:

2.a. The current mixed system, that is, the obligation of 50% of the classes to be face-to-face and the rest via Zoom, is not viable. We acknowledge that it works satisfactorily in some of the courses considered “fixed” but these represent a very small minority, and in most cases, and for the majority of students, this is a system that is not viable.

nor sustainable;

SECOND. As is known, a significant part of the student population of the Faculty of Arts lives more than 30 minutes from the faculty. This means that, by taking face-to-face classes and classes through Zoom on the same day and alternately (a very recurring case), students are required to attend classes while attending college. It is unthinkable to have a situation in which a student is required to be attentive to a class, take notes, participate and actually learn something while attending the class on the subway, boat, bus or similar;

C. The alternative to the previous point is what has been verified: students go to the university before classes begin and remain there all day, sometimes attending face-to-face classes, sometimes settling in the hallways, or wherever there are place, to attend. to classes through Zoom. So they end up spending more time in college than if they only had face-to-face classes, thus defeating the purpose of this measure to reduce number of people within the facility;

re. The spaces designated for participation in classes through Zoom are not enough so that all students can use them safely, maintaining the necessary distances. With the arrival of rainy and cold days, attending online classes abroad is no longer a possibility, so the response capacity of interior spaces will be even less;

me. It is absolutely unacceptable that there are situations where students are forced to finish tests sitting on the floor in the hallway., without being able to respect the safety distance due to lack of space;

F. Students who are ill or belong to risk groups and are therefore unable to travel to university are severely handicapped as they are not guaranteed adequate follow-up. There is no type of plan implemented for these cases either, which entails, in most cases, the loss of entire weeks of classes and the respective subject;

gram. The mixed regime, in the peculiar FLUL model, is organized in a counterproductive way: the students have a classroom and a virtual class every week. If the incubation period of the virus is two weeks, do not We understand the purpose of implementing this system. Who is protected like this? In fact, this point becomes even more important if we take into account that FLUL does not have classes, so it is impossible to create and / or identify so-called “contagion bubbles”.
When students in a chair go home due to a case of Covid in that class,

They were in other classes from other professorships that they have to attend, contacting other students who will not be sent home;

H. It also seems important to us to remember that the Constitution provides, in its article 73, the right to education, which must contribute “to equal opportunities, to overcome economic, social and cultural inequalities.” In addition, the following article makes it explicit that “Everyone has the right to education with the guarantee of the right to equal opportunities of access and academic success.” However, what we have witnessed is that the model adopted by the Faculty of Letters is creating unnecessary difficulties in learning, rather than mitigating them, with a strong tendency to aggravate existing inequalities.

3. At the beginning of the semester, students were informed by the faculty when there wasknowledge of a positive Covid case. Recently, this has ceased to be the case, and it is up to the students, their common sense and their civility, to communicate the cases., and even some were advised not to share this information with colleagues, only with teachers. We take this seriously, not understanding why this change in procedure was due;

4. The call New Pavilion, building adjacent to the main building of the Faculty, lacks adequate conditions to maintain normal operation. exists cracked walls and ceilings, an anchor in a door frame, holes in the floor and ceiling, fungi that rise from the ground and rain falls in the rooms, the result of several infiltrations. It is easy to see the lack of conditions. the hygiene of this pavilion, which, of course, harms the students both academically and physically;

5. On November 9, the country entered a state of emergency again and the situation at the Faculty remains unchanged. The cases of infection increase day by day, as well as the number of deaths, and the students are more and more worried. The government implemented compulsory telework, except for the employee’s impediment, so we do not understand such inflexibility on the part of the Directorate when allowing the use of distance education means ”.

After mentioning what they do not agree on, the students left some proposals, one of which is that the mixed system is not mandatory and the other is the remodeling of the pavilion that claims to have cracks and holes.
