Case of the European prosecutor. The Director General of the General Directorate of Justice Policy resigns – Observer


(in update)

The general director of the General Directorate of Justice Policy (DGPJ), Miguel Romão, resigned, after the controversy with the European prosecutor, reports the Ministry of Justice in a statement. The Minister of Justice, Francisca Van Dunem received this Monday the now former director general and accepted his resignation, “taking into account the latest events.”

Last week it was made public that, in a letter sent to the European Union, the Ministry of Justice presented false data about José Guerra: he identified him as “deputy attorney general” – when he is only a prosecutor – and as having had a participation of “investigative and accusatory leadership” in the UGT process – when he was only the trial prosecutor.

In a statement also issued this Monday, shortly after Miguel Romão’s resignation was announced, the DGPJ affirms that the information contained in the letter “was prepared following the instructions received and its full content was known by the Minister’s Office of Justice since that date ”.

The government gave false information to the EU about the name chosen for the European prosecutor

In the same statement, the DGPJ acknowledges that “there were two erroneous information” sent “by mistake” to the Ministry of Justice. However, he notes that these the information was “easily verifiable” since the Council of the European Union had in its possession or curriculum of José Guerra.

It must be recognized that there were two erroneous information provided by the Directorate General for Justice Policy due to lapses of analysis, despite being easily verifiable as material lapses, from the beginning in the curriculum also held by the services of the Council of the European Union .

A DGPJ explains that “Naturally” Miguel Romão had no “responsibility” for the “specific case”, but he decided to resign “in compliance with the republican logic that administrative errors that affect the reputation and dignity of the public service should be assumed by the manager of the service, regardless of his direct practice or his own responsibility.”

As a final note, it is also said that “Nothing”, nor in the “instructions” Van Dunem, nor “in the performance of the DGPJ professionals, was done in order to intentionally misrepresent the truth or the qualifications of any candidate ”. “The courage and ability of the DGPJ professionals should not be questioned in the service of the simple exploitation of an error,” he concludes.

In the same statement, the Ministry of Justice adds that “it is also working to correct the note sent to REPER, in November 2019, with information on the lawyer José Guerra ”.

On this case, Van Dunem has already formally communicated “his will to go to Parliament “, to stop giving “clarifications in this regard, as soon as possible”, adds the same note.

The case of the European prosecutor’s office is “deeply unfair”, says the minister
